As can be seen from the names of the two daughters, "Wang Ruohe" and "Wang Ruofu" are both knowledgeable. It stands to reason that such a wise family should be prosperous, but it has not reached three generations. The reason lies in Mrs. Wang's children's education. Wang Ruoyu, this name sounds elegant. At the same time, "harmony" also means giving and recognizing; The word "fu" by the eldest lady Wang Ruofu has no meaning, and the names of "Wang Ruofu" and "Wang Ruofu" are just antonyms. People in China often say: Cultivate one's morality and govern the country. At first, Mrs. Wang was similar to Mrs. Sheng's family, both of whom were "hard-core" old ladies with understanding and wisdom. The Lao Wang couple not only have problems in educating their children, but also have "three incorrect views" in their conduct. I really don't know how Master Wang Can appreciated this ancestral temple.
Extremely selfish, blindly justifying one's faults and arguing irrationally, in ancient times, concubines were regarded as family property, and wives had the right to dispose of them, but they were definitely not something that could be killed casually. Kang Wang's Wang Ruo and "He" should never be given and shared, which is more like "Wang Yaoru". Compete with other brothers and sisters in the family, and be willful and angry if you are not happy; In the husband's family, the chickens flew and the dogs jumped, bullying concubines and concubines, resulting in several lives. Even threatened Kang Zhaoer with her mother's life and let her die at home to hurt Ming Lan. It was because of her mother's blind placement that she didn't know her little position and embarked on the road of poisoning the old lady Sheng. No matter what big mistake she made, the eldest daughter was tolerant all the way. It also caused Kang Jingtian's extremely selfish and domineering personality, from the initial tinkering, to the final disregard for human life, until her death, all because Mrs. Wang has always acted as her solid backing.
In this way, Mrs. Wang has always loved her daughter and is unwilling to let her daughter be wronged. When her daughter is in trouble, she will clean up the mess and raise her daughter fearless, regardless of right and wrong, selfish and unfilial. I think my mother can bear how much trouble I have caused. When it comes to poisoning Mrs. Sheng, it's different. Mrs. Sheng is the eldest daughter of Houmen and the grandmother in charge of the government. Even at this level, Mrs. Wang tried all kinds of means, carrot and stick, and turned her face like a book, just to let Kang Wang escape punishment, instead of sincerely apologizing to Mrs. Sheng. This kind of doting really hurts her daughter and makes her suffer.
There is a saying in the play called "Parents love their children, so it is far-reaching." Repeatedly interspersed with plots. This drama is a house fight drama, but it is also a family education film. Look at the tutor of Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Sheng's grandmother, Lin Xiaoniang's planning for children, and the princess's cultivation of little grandpa. Only then did I know the weight of "family education".