Famous verses from materialist poetry: Wang Fuzhi: "The two qi of yin and yang are filled with Taixu, and there is nothing else and no gap. The image of the sky and the shape of the earth are all within their scope." "Scattered" Returning to Taixu and regaining its true nature, it is not destroyed. It gathers and becomes a common thing. It is not an illusion from its constant nature."
Laozi: Laozi: Woe. Where blessings depend, blessings lie where misfortunes lie.
The heaven and earth are in harmony, and all things are self-generated. (Wang Chong)
My wife cannot move heaven with her actions, and heaven will not respond to her actions. (Wang Chong)
The movement of heaven is constant, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie. (Xunzi)
Berkeley: Existence is perceived
Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing!
Xunzi of the Warring States Period: "Heaven and earth unite and all things come into being, and Yin and Yang connect and change."
Idealism: The essence of the world is consciousness. It is not matter that determines consciousness, but consciousness that determines matter. (Consciousness is primary, material is secondary)
①Subjective idealism: The world is created and determined by human consciousness.
Song Dynasty philosopher Lu Xiangshan: "The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe."
Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Yangming: "There is nothing outside the heart."
British philosopher Berkeley: To exist is to be perceived. Objects are "combinations of feelings" and "collections of ideas".
"If your eyes are open, the flowers will be bright; if your eyes are closed, the flowers will be silent."
②Objective idealism: The world is created and determined by some kind of god or elusive absolute concept.
Song Dynasty philosopher Zhu Xi: "Principle comes first."
Plato: The world is the shadow of "idea".
Hegel: The essence of the world is the independent existence of "absolute spirit".