If you decide to be brilliant, there will be no mountains to cover you, and no sea to stop you. This sentence was said by Sa Beining, which shows his attitude and views on life and life. The meaning of this sentence is that when you are determined to no longer be mediocre in life and decide to be brilliant, you will be brave and determined. Even if there are mountains and rivers ahead, they will never stop you from moving forward. There are many classic sayings of Sa Beining, here are some of them: "If you are scrolling through Weibo on your mobile phone all day long, sitting at home watching TV, surfing the Internet every day, and doing things that you can do after the age of 80, What do you want to do with your youth?" "There are no small things in life, everything is a big thing worth thinking about. Life requires serious thinking and is worth thinking about seriously." "Dreams must have the basis to become reality. However, every dream has the right not to be attacked or laughed at." "As a young person, the most important thing is to start climbing the mountain from now on. As long as you start taking action, you will not be far from success." "Opportunity is a thief. When he comes, catch him once and for all." "Pay attention to the scenery around you and understand different lives. A fulfilling life makes people happy."