"Catching an arrow in one hand and an olive branch in the other" - Kennedy
In January 1961, Democrat John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election and ascended to the White House. After Kennedy came to power, he clearly proposed a "peace strategy" of "grasping an arrow with one hand and an olive branch with the other." He also proposed a "New Africa Policy" for Africa, a "League for Progress" in Latin America, a "grand plan" for Western Europe, and so on.
The so-called "peace strategy" is essentially a global strategy to dominate the world by using both civil and military forces on the basis of strength and position, and its spearhead is first aimed at socialist countries. After summing up the past lessons of "containment" and "containment" of socialist countries that were not conducive to "peaceful evolution", Kennedy and his advisers emphasized that under the slogans of peaceful coexistence and peaceful competition, through aid, trade, Travel, science and technology, and cultural exchanges sought to weaken the economic and ideological dependence of Eastern European and other socialist countries on Russia, cultivate the seeds of freedom from any cracks that appeared in the Iron Curtain, and "bring the Communist world to the to bring about the diverse free world we seek." This "peace strategy" is also aimed at third world countries. It advocates the use of the "Food for Peace" program, the "Relatives" campaign, the dispatch of the "Peace Corps", etc. to win over emerging independent national countries and bring them into the U.S. strategic orbit. In order to promote the global expansion of the United States with strong military power, Kennedy proposed a "flexible response strategy", that is, preparing to fight not only limited nuclear wars and nuclear wars, but also conventional wars and special wars.
"I came here with an olive branch and a gun of freedom fighters, please don't let the olive branch fall from my hands." - Arafat
1974 November In his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly on March 13, Arafat said: "I came here with an olive branch and a gun of a freedom fighter. Please don't let the olive branch fall from my hands." However, he The offered olive branch was not well received by his enemies, or even by his Arab friends.
In 1988, Arafat once again extended an olive branch. Recognize the right of all countries, including Israel, to exist in the Middle East. It was not until 1990 that Arafat withstood internal and external pressure and announced his acceptance of the UN resolution. Palestine and Israel have since entered the track of "land for peace" and a political solution to the Palestinian-Israeli issue. The olive branch was better than the gun for the first time.