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Youth can stand the test but can't stand the killing, can stand the development but can't stand the profligacy. Pavel Colta King once said: "Life is a person's most precious thing, and life is only patient once, so people have to spend their whole lives." When he looks back on the past, he will not be ashamed of wasting his time, nor will he be ashamed of doing nothing. When he died, he could say, "My whole life and all my energy have been devoted to the greatest cause in the world-the struggle for the liberation of mankind". Therefore, we should cherish our youth and try our best to show our bright and unique style on the stage of youth and let it fly! Just like countless stars shining in the starry sky of life, I have studied and lived in the vocational education center for nearly 1 year. During this period, I deeply felt that the life of the former vocational high school can be as compact as that of ordinary high schools, and there are also opportunities to fully display their talents. The creator gave every grace the same mind and limbs, and also gave us the same thinking ability and behavior ability. We are also given 24 hours a day fairly. So why don't we seize the opportunity and show ourselves? In fact, we can show our solid foundation and excellent achievements in our study, our extraordinary understanding and skillful skills in our internship, our dexterous movements and vigorous steps in the annual sports meeting, and our fragile voice and exquisite stage performance in the singing competition ... Perhaps, some people with inferiority will say, "I can't do it". But opportunity is the wing of life. You can fly high if you catch it. It favors the strong, because the strong have made all preparations, and it often escapes from the weak, because it can't stand the dull eyes of the weak. A successful person said: "90% of the so-called losers are not defeated, but give up the opportunity and hope of success." How do you know you can't do it? Deng Jianjun is a good example. Like us, he studied in a vocational high school and was assigned a job by the school. But he was not willing to stay in a small post all his life, seized various opportunities, and finally realized his life value. Of course, if you want to show your best side to the public, it is not enough to just wait for the opportunity. However, we need to have full confidence in ourselves and a bold spirit of innovation. Self-confidence is a pre-reflection of an individual's successful grasp of the achievements and ambitions of his own cognitive activities and practical activities. Successful people believe that Madame Curie said, "We should have confidence in ourselves and believe that our talents are used to do one thing, no matter what the cost. Everyone should do this well. This is the importance of self-confidence to us. Napoleon also famously said, "I should be confident in everything I do, so everything I do is successful." "The difference between winners and losers is that winners often dominate and control their own lives with their most positive thinking, optimistic spirit and brilliant experience. On the contrary, their lives are guided and dominated by all kinds of failures and doubts in the past. we