Confucius must learn if he wants to turn people into customs!
Confucius' jade is uncut and unworthy, and people don't know it without learning. Therefore, the ancient king, establishing the people, teaching first.
Confucius is similar in essence, but far from learning.
Confucius learned too late, but he was afraid of losing.
Isn't it a pleasure to learn from Confucius?
Confucius never tires of learning and never tires of teaching.
Confucius doesn't suffer from people who don't know each other, but he doesn't know people.
If Confucius wants to do well, he must sharpen his tools first.
Confucius and an upright man is open and poised, the villain is worried.
Confucius is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions.
Confucius' three armies can win the handsome, but ordinary people can't win the ambition.
Confucius was cold, and later he knew that pine and cypress died later.
Confucius' learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous.
Confucius never tires of learning and never tires of teaching.
Confucius is upright and does not give orders; His body is not straight, although he disobeys.
Confucius: A gentleman in The Analects is ashamed of words but not of deeds.
Confucius: The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang began with others. I believe what I say and what I do. Today, I am a man. I listen to his words and watch his actions.
Confucius: When you talk about cold, you know that pine and cypress are withered.
Gong Sunchao, the guardian of Confucius, asked Zi Gong, "How did Zhong Ni learn?" Zi Gong said, "The way of civil and military affairs has not fallen to the ground. People have the way of civil and military affairs. Sages know their greatness, while non-sages know their smallness. The master does not learn, but there are often teachers. "
Confucius Yan Yuan sighed: "The higher you climb, the harder you drill. You look forward, but suddenly you fall behind. The master is persuasive, and I learn from the text and ask me to be polite; If I can't stop, I will run out of talent. If I do something, although I want to follow it, I have no reason. "
Confucius Confucius said, "What can Buddhism do? How did Voss get it? "
Confucius' whipped son disobeyed his father's instruction.
Confucius' family language belittles the country a thousand times and values the letter of one word.