Mencius said: "He who has no shame or disgust is not a human being." The ancients said: "The people will not be established without virtue, and the government will not be powerful without virtue." Being virtuous is self-cultivation, civilization, and the cornerstone; being without virtue is lack of faith, despicability, and self-destruction. The socialist market economy that we are committed to developing is an economy with order and regulation, and it is also an economy with high morals. The resource we lack most now is not tangible material, but intangible morality. At present, we still have many problems in establishing the concept of honor and disgrace and strengthening moral construction, such as: belief and benefit, dedication and request, competition and cooperation, efficiency and fairness, social responsibility and personal interests, looking forward and looking forward. In terms of money, many people have a vague understanding of issues such as the principles of party spirit and the principles of market economy, and are unclear about right and wrong. Money worship, hedonism, and extreme individualism have grown and spread. Some people do not do what is right, do nothing to save people, and are unkind to get rich. Some people value money over benefits over reputation over personality. In some places, counterfeit and shoddy goods and social ugliness are rampant. The most fundamental reason for the existence of these problems is the lack of the concept of honor and disgrace, and the lack of distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. The emergence and spread of these problems have impacted the social moral system, damaged social morals, and seriously affected the healthy development of the economy and society.
You cannot grow up if you don’t know honor and disgrace." This is a famous saying passed down for thousands of years. From ancient times to the present, Chinese civilization has always maintained basic cultural values ????through a strong sense of shame. Uncle Boyi Qi was ashamed to eat Zhou Su, and Xiang Yu was not ashamed to meet his elders in Jiangdong. All these proud and proud origins are from the sense of shame in Chinese culture.
However, while Chinese society has achieved rapid development, our national cultural tradition has also changed. The sense of shame in society is constantly being corroded, between loving the motherland and harming the motherland, between serving the people and betraying the people, between advocating science and being ignorant, between hard work and indolence, between solidarity and mutual assistance and benefiting oneself at the expense of others. Between being honest and trustworthy and being unjust for profit, between obeying the law and breaking the law, between hard work and arrogance, the boundaries between honor and disgrace have quietly become blurred in the minds of many people. No wonder some scholars exclaimed that in contemporary times. The most serious value crisis in Chinese society is the dilution of shame consciousness and the collapse of bottom-line ethics.
It is against this background that the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, represented by the "Eight Honors and Eight Shames", was established. The demand immediately aroused strong protests in the entire society, setting off a new wave of accelerating the construction of a socialist concept of honor and disgrace. If the concept of governing the country according to law is regarded as the way to govern a modern country, then Confucianism has a long history. For China, which has a traditional moral tradition, establishing a socialist concept of honor and disgrace and governing the country by virtue will lay a solid foundation for political ethics for the ongoing reform.
Experts have always thought that the rule of law or the rule of virtue has always been the question. A topic that scholars have been debating endlessly. In fact, it is not difficult to find the exquisite explanation of the dialectical relationship between morality and law by ancient sages in the essence of Confucianism and Legalism: "Mencius Li Lou 1". Goodness is not enough for government, and law cannot be used by oneself." How can today's great cause of building a harmonious socialist society be deviated from the track of moral construction?
To the extent that some public officials are asking for bribes or even openly asking for bribes The fundamental standards of being an official have been lost. Doctors accept red envelopes and write large prescriptions, which leads to the disgrace of medical ethics. Academic corruption of scholars and advocating for interest groups tarnish the reputation of scholars. It ranges from a lack of awareness of social ethics to the prevalence of extravagance and lewdness... Looking at the current situation The hot and difficult livelihood issues that concern the public are all inextricably linked to moral deficiencies. Of course, the government can introduce laws and regulations to rigidly regulate behavior that exceeds the bottom line of social morality. However, there are some legal blind spots in gray areas or pure morality. Category issues also require moral power to restrain citizens' self-behavior and withstand the impact of the collapse of bottom-line ethics.
It is undeniable that the market economy's interest concept has had a great impact on traditional social ethics. The diversity of social life also gives everyone the freedom to choose his or her own lifestyle. However, no matter how you choose, the bottom line of social morality cannot be coveted, and the right and wrong, beauty, ugliness, and good and evil cannot be reversed. "Shame" clearly distinguishes between right and wrong in the moral field, becoming a benchmark for what the public insists on and what they oppose, and a caliper for what social fashion advocates and what they resist. Keeping in mind the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces", our moral principles will naturally be clear and clear.
If there is no shame, why be proud? The great prosperity of a nation requires not only economic prosperity, but also the national spirit of "promoting good and avoiding evil". Good moral inheritance is the treasure of Chinese culture, the foundation of the Chinese nation, and the soul of the national spirit. As long as we truly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace and strive to achieve both the rule of morality and the rule of law, Chinese society will surely become more harmonious, and the Chinese nation will surely exude a more unique charm among the nations of the world.