Mr. Wang said: I can't learn. Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope, not a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. Although there is a crisis, those who stop coming forward will make it happen. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault.
Think all day long, it is better to learn it in a moment; I am eager to learn, so I might as well learn from it. Climb a trick, the arm does not lengthen, but the person you see is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, but the listener is obvious. Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave.
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. It's not that the snake hole has no sustenance, it's also impetuous.
2. How to describe "can we just pass by and walk together" in classical Chinese is as follows:
"Suitable for ① exceeds ②, while peers ③ can ④ rely on ④"?
These include:
Just right, just right.
Pass by: Pass by, pass by, pass by.
③ Peer: Peer, quick march.
4 yes: yes.
⑤ Hu: The interrogative word "horse"
classical Chinese
Classical Chinese is a processed written language based on ancient Chinese. The earliest written language based on spoken language may have been processed. Classical Chinese is an article composed of written language in ancient China, mainly including written language based on spoken language in pre-Qin period.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, no articles were invented to record characters, but bamboo slips, silks and other things were used to record characters, and silks were expensive, bamboo slips were huge and the number of words recorded was limited. In order to record more things on a roll of bamboo slips, unimportant words were deleted. Later, when "paper" was used on a large scale, the habit of using "official documents" among the ruling classes had been finalized, and the ability to use "classical Chinese" had evolved into a symbol of reading and literacy. Classical Chinese comes from vernacular Chinese, characterized by writing based on words, paying attention to the use of allusions, parallel prose, and neat melody, including strategies, poems, words, songs, stereotyped writing, parallel prose and other styles. The classical Chinese in modern books are generally marked with punctuation marks in order to facilitate reading and understanding.
The characteristics of classical Chinese are: separation of speech and writing, concise writing. Compared with vernacular Chinese (including spoken and written language), the characteristics of classical Chinese are mainly manifested in grammar and vocabulary.
Examples of China's classic works
classical poetry
There are 300 Tang poems, 300 Song poems, 300 Yuan songs and 1000 Book of Songs.
ancient Chinese literature
The Book of Filial Piety, The Analects of Confucius, The Book of Rites, Shangshu, Spring and Autumn Annals, Warring States Policy, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Everything is done wrong, Mencius, Mozi, Xunzi, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-six Strategies and Guiguzi. Revelation of melody, Six Towers and Three Strategies, Hundred Wars, Long Wen Whip Shadow, Dream Shadow, Biography, Think Tank, Zeng Guofan's Letter, Shi Shuo Xin Yu, Couplet, Random Tales, Meng Qian Bitan, Suiyuan Poetry.
History lesson
Historical Records, History of the Three Kingdoms, History of Han Dynasty, History of Later Han Dynasty, Book of Old Tang Dynasty, Draft of Qing Dynasty, etc.
Among them, Wen Xin Diao Long and Long Wen Bian Ying teach future generations how to write, which is very helpful to the study of ancient Chinese. Couplets and aphorisms are more like ancient Chinese grammar.
3. I am eager to give Wei Zuocheng 22 rhymes and 266 words of ancient prose.
Don du fu
Wan boasted that he didn't starve to death, and the Confucian crown leaked out. Listen carefully to Zhang Gonggong's poem, please welcome the county magistrate Chen: Just yesterday's Youth Day, I was a state guest early.
Reading breaks thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god. Empower the enemy with materials and build a home with poetry. Li Yong seeks knowledge, and William Wang is willing to be a neighbor.
Boasting to be quite outstanding, Li Deng wants Jin Lu. Here you are, Yao Shun, and then to the wind. This idea is actually suppressed, and the songs are not hidden.
Riding a donkey for thirteen years, traveling and eating jinghua spring. At the door of the rich, dusk carries the dust of fat horses. There are broken cups and cold roast everywhere.
God has seen this sign, but he is eager to expand it. The green ghost has wings, but no vertical scales. I am ashamed of my father-in-law, and I know his father-in-law is true.
Every time I go to Bailian, I recite new beautiful sentences. Stealing gong, it is difficult to be poor in Yuanxian. How can you not be satisfied? Take a walk in Jun Jun.
Today I want to go to the sea in the east and Qin in the west. I still pity Nanshan and look back at Weibin in Qing Dynasty. I often plan to sign up for a dinner party, Minister Kuang Huaici.
Bai Ou is not mighty, who can tame Wan Li!
4. What does "Zheng" mean in classical Chinese? 1. Exactly: Liuhe correspondence. -"Yutai's New Poetry and Ancient Poetry as Jiao Zhongqing's Wife" 1
Another example: just call the next love (just right; Just after one's own heart), "there are often no scenes."
2 Describe integrity, "Fang Zhengzhi is not allowed."
3 correct, "the dharma, choose the wise"
4 governance, "the husband is from a small length, and you are treated from a base."
5. Describe it as opposite to the vice, "supplementing the original and two incomplete copies of the vice"
Mr. 6, "For the Week"
7, "the plain is not there, only the Qinghe River.
"the eighth case," and loneliness "
9 indicates the continuity of action state, "I think I am peaceful and I am depressed."
I hope it works for you.
5. "Zheng" in ancient Chinese means "dynamic" 1. Pass "Zheng" (zhěng).
Make it right; Finishing; Be straight and don't listen. -On the Book of Rites, just like you.
The crown is right. The tassel is absolutely perfect. -"Zhuangzi Qin Wang" 2. Another example: Jia Zheng (correcting family style); Straight front (straight front); Morality (correcting one's own virtue); Correct yourself (correct your thoughts, words and deeds) 3. Renovation [Renovation] The living people think about their homes, while the walking people are happy to find their own way.
-Liu Zongyuan's "Recording the North Gate of Quan Yi County" 4. Another example: Zhengshi (rectifying the world); Positive domain (rectifying the border); Zheng Zhi (governance; Remedy) 5. Correct; Correct [correct] Correct the state of Jin. -"Mandarin Today" is the correct rule. Choose talented people.
-"Xunzi Wang Zhi" with political people, punish evil with punishment. -"Zuo Zhuan, Eleven Years of Hidden Gong" is just right.
-The Analects of Confucius is full of evil. -Tang Wei's Ten Thoughts of Emperor Taizong 6. Another example: Li Zheng (revised calendar); Is being revised (revised; Correct the fallacies in the works); Correcting customs (correcting customs); Positive curve (correcting false curve); Correct the Lord (correct the monarch) 7. It is right to amend the law and punish [execute] thieves who kill their loved ones.
-"Li Zhouxia Guanfu" 8. Decided to test [decision] with Tugui Zhengrijing. -Zhang Zhaoyuan's Old Tang Book 1. Official; Chang Jun was once the first king of our country.
-"Under the Book" 2. Another example is: being incorporated (an official in the establishment); Jiuzheng (the head of a wine official) 3. Normal situation, life, normal life limit [normal age at the time of death] A hundred-year-old life is its right. -Wang Chong "On Balance" 4. The eldest son, compared with "Shu" [wife eldest son], is righteous but not virtuous.
-"Gu Liang Biography" 5. Wife, in the old society, was addressed as * * * as "Zheng Ling" (wife), and I was not allowed to be employed as a concubine. -Fang's Book of Jin, Volume VI. Another example: Zhengtouniangzi (wife; Big miss); The first wife (officially legal wife); First wife (first wife, first wife); The first wife (the first wife; 7. rationality, law [rationality; Law] Do your best.
-"Zhang Hengchuan" 8. "Politics". Politics [politics; Some people are not as correct as Gong said.
-"Shangshu Gao" The ancients were equally divided. -"Mozi, all love", although san huang asked the truth.
-"Xunzi Outline" 9. Pass the "certification". Evidence [evidence; There must be justice.
-"Yi Li Shili" means that you think you are right within nine days. -"Chu Ci Li Sao" means that heaven is right.
-Nine Chapters of Chu Ci 10. Last name 1. Just, just [just; Precious] Liuhe corresponds. -"Yutai Xinyi Ancient Poetry is Jiao Zhongqing's Wife" 2. Another example: just call love (just right; Just what you want); Make trouble without reason (when you don't know what to do); No love (positive infinity); As you said; Just the right size; Just about to (just about to; Preparing) 3. Indicates that the action and state are in progress, continuing, and being [in progress; Zhong Er is knitting a chicken coop.
-Su Songshi's "Huanxisha" sees that Mrs. Wang is talking with Aunt Xue about some housewives. -"Dream of Red Mansions" 4. Another example is: positive (positive); It's snowing. 5. Only; Only [only] is from Wuxun No.2 Road, the plain is not there, and Qinghe is watching.
-"Shi Shuo Xin Yu Xin Men" 6. Correctly [regularly; Erect; The guest was uncomfortable and sat down a little. -"preface to Anthony wong's poems" 7. Party, just now [just now; Exactly right; Just] I want to be smooth, I am depressed.
-"Five Emperors Historical Records" 8. Publicly; Obviously [publicly] is telling the world. -"Historical Records and Biography of Su Qin" 9. Always [always] Why are there fewer just people and more evil people?
-Shi Shuo Xin Yu 1. So; So [so; What are the risks this year? -"Travel Notes of Lao Can" 2. Another example: how fair; How many?