Xianjun is a king who is famous all over the world.
(Appears to be a person with a high reputation. - "Han Feizi")
The superior asked Wei Zheng: "Why is it bright, and what is dark?" He replied: "Hearing both will make you bright, but believing only will make you dark. In the past, Yao Qing asked the people, so he could hear the evil of seedlings. Shun had four eyes that were clear, and he had four intelligences, so Liu, Gun, and Huandou could not hide them. The second generation of Qin was biased Believing in Zhao Gao caused disaster for Wang Yi; Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty preferred Zhu Yi to bring humiliation to Taicheng; Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty preferred to believe in Yu Shiji, which led to the change of Pengcheng Pavilion. Support, and the lower emotions can be communicated by the upper level (and the lower emotions can be reached by the upper level).
"Said: "Good!"