1. At a fork in the road, look carefully before proceeding.
2. There is no bad wood in the yin, and drinking water will clear the source. Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "Ode to the Four Sages of Ji Shang: The People of Zheng and Huo Mountains"
3. A gentleman avoids sexual relations, and choosing friends is like seeking a teacher. Jia Dao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "Send off Shen Xiucai on his journey to the East"
4. Choosing friends is like panning for gold, and you will not find any treasure in the sand. Li Xianyong, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "Ancient Meanings"
5. The most difficult thing in life is choice. Moore
6. Choosing opportunities means saving time. British Renaissance writer and philosopher Bacon
7. Much of the pain is your own choice. Lebanese poet, writer, and painter Kahlil Gibran
8. Books are like friends and must be chosen carefully. Hades
9. The most difficult thing in life is choice. Moore
10. Hu Yidao: Treasure and wife, choose your wife. Martial arts novelist Jin Yong "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain"