Only villains and women are difficult to raise.
The heavens and the earth are humble, and the dry Kun will decide. Humble and high, with Chen, high and low. Avenue becomes a man, and Kun Dao becomes a woman.
Words: Men are superior to women.
Bottom line: A woman without talent is a virtue.
Son preference: son preference is son preference. Refers to the feudal thought of despising women. From Qu Bo's "Lin Yuan" 20: "Shame and pout,' many girls prefer boys to girls. ""Gender inequality is a social concept, which attaches importance to men's rights and defines women as men's subordinates, which limits women's opportunities to develop their personal talents. On the other hand, women are also considered weak, so they have less responsibilities than men in some fields. This concept is common in male-dominated society, often accompanied by the concept of male superiority and gender division of labor. The concept of son preference will also affect parents' willingness to have boys and girls. For example, in China's ancient Oracle Bone Inscriptions, giving birth to boys was regarded as "good" and giving birth to girls as "bad".
What are the sentences and words that scold the son preference?