Time always passes, but everyone views time differently. In ancient China, there was a poet named Yue Fei who said: Don't wait for a moment, as your young head turns gray and you are filled with sorrow! Those who cherish time and seize the time to study will make a difference in the future and make their lives meaningful; those who waste time and do not work hard in their youth will only regret it when they are old. For example: Many students cherish the time in the morning, read loudly, and seize the time to study. These are people who cherish time.
People always have to face setbacks, but their attitudes towards setbacks are different. A British Prime Minister named Churchill once said: "Overcoming difficulties are opportunities for victory. If you strive to overcome setbacks, there is a possibility of success; if you are discouraged because of worries about setbacks, there is no possibility of success. Prime Minister Churchill is He who strives to overcome setbacks is destined to succeed.