Confucius said: "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up." These two short sentences express a rich philosophy of life. People don't know it from birth, they learn it through learning. Confucius "established himself at thirty" and warned the world to learn "rituals". By analogy, not only people, but also the entire society and the entire country cannot be achieved overnight. Such historical changes and the improvement of grand things are also based on the process of "learning", the most important of which is learning "rituals" ". Therefore, learning "rituals" is not only a personal mission, but also the destiny of society and even the country.
"Li" refers to politeness, etiquette, and rules; it refers to integrity, knowledge, and kindness to others; it emphasizes personal morality, family virtues, professional ethics, and social morality; and it is also a sense of a great nation. Etiquette is a traditional and modern virtue in our country. It should be a common state. However, due to the rapid and sustained development of the economy, the increasing material wealth and the emergence of diverse ideas, uncivilized phenomena and problems have begun to occur frequently in society. Therefore, "Etiquette" has been valued and respected by the world again.
Learning "rituals" makes a person self-reliant, virtuous and good for the world. "Etiquette" first teaches people to "learn without end", to gain experience in life while learning specific knowledge, and to enrich one's soul and heart. This is self-reliance. "Etiquette" also teaches people to be positive and work hard, which is self-improvement. "Etiquette" also teaches people to be civilized and educated, treat the world around them gently, and constantly improve their own quality level. This is a good virtue. "Etiquette" also teaches people to clearly understand the relationship between nation, society, country and themselves, to connect current events and great fortunes with their own personal destiny and personal meaning, to work hard for such a big country and to strictly demand themselves. This is good. World. Therefore, everyone should learn "rituals".
Learning "etiquette" can make the whole society good and optimize its operation. Since its premiere in 2003, "Top Ten People Who Moved China" has introduced hundreds of people who moved China. The moral spirit and moral power behind them are exactly the "rituals" we admire. The whole society has set off a trend of being moved by the characters and learning their spiritual connotations. This trend of advocating "etiquette" has swept the society, and it has also affected a large number of people in society through understanding and being moved. Over the past ten years, our country's social atmosphere has also undergone positive corrections and rectifications, which is not unrelated to the influence of this program and the appeal of this program. Therefore, society should establish a "culture of learning etiquette".
Learning "rituals" can promote the Chinese spirit and become a great country. "Ritual" is the connotation and core of the Chinese spirit. This central idea showed various magnanimity and style thousands of years ago. Today we should learn from the strengths of others, use the ancient and the present, and use "ritual" to once again explain the style of a great country. Deng Xiaoping once pointed out the important connection between "ritual" and "country". The more rapid the economy, the more national spirit must be present. From the Mayflower Incident to the establishment of the 1787 Constitution, the United States has adopted the separation of powers as its national spirit, which has lasted for more than two hundred years. This is not only supported by economic strength, but also this "spirit". Support a great country. Therefore, our country must take the "spiritual" road to reach the top of a "great country".
The wise saying "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up" has traveled through the Chinese civilization of the past and is still resounding in today's China. Learning "etiquette" allows Chinese people to be self-reliant and self-reliant, capable of being educated and capable of caring about the fate of the country and the nation, connecting personal destiny with collective destiny, and finding meaning in this grand theme; learning etiquette allows social civilization and progress, and improves morale. Good, self-circulating and self-purifying, the avenue is invisible, and "rituals" lead to the avenue; learning "rituals" can lead the Chinese nation to national rejuvenation and the rise of a great country. Learn etiquette in the morning and replace it in the evening, letting the flowers of "ritual" bloom all over the land of China.