The foundation of wisdom is to know yourself. -(Lebanese writer) Ji Bolun
Giving up yourself is the best way to find yourself. Sri Arrobodo (Indian philosopher)
The development of free individuals is the primary condition for promoting social development. Sri Arrobodo (Indian philosopher)
As long as people live, the future will always depend on themselves. -Jaspers (German philosopher)
Self-protection is the highest goal of any life, which is the principle in the living world. -(Japanese social activist) Daisaku Ikeda
Look at yourself before correcting yourself. -(German philosopher) Nietzsche
In times of crisis, it is an honest idea to rely only on yourself and not on others. -(China, Minister of the Qing Dynasty) Zeng Guofan
The strongest person in the world is an independent person. -(Norwegian playwright) Icahn
Of all the knowledge, the wise and the kind seek to know themselves most. -(British playwright and poet) Shakespeare
Of all the shortcomings, the most hopeless is to despise yourself. Montaigne (French writer)
He who can restrain himself after winning has won a double victory. -(British philosopher) Bacon