Nirvana as the saying goes, I am happy and clean.
Liu Zushi said: "Impermanence is Buddha nature; There is one constant, that is, all good and evil are divided. "
He said: "What the monk said is a big violation of the scriptures."
The teacher said, "I preach the Buddha's heart, dare to violate the Buddhist scriptures?"
He said, "The Buddha's nature remains unchanged, but the monk's words are impermanent; The law of good and evil, even bodhicitta, is impermanent, but the monk says it is constant; This is the opposite, which makes scholars very confused. "
The teacher said: "Nirvana Sutra, I have listened to Nirvana Endless Collection once before, just to talk about it. Every word doesn't conform to the scriptures, and so does it for you. "
He said: "Scholars don't understand knowledge, and I hope monks will give in."
The teacher said, "Do you know? If the Buddha's nature is normal, let alone the law of good and evil, even the poor who have no bodhicitta will be robbed. Therefore, I say impermanence, which is the Buddha's way of telling the truth. And if all laws are impermanent, that is, everything has its own nature of tolerating life and death, and truth is unchangeable, then I say unchangeable, that is, Buddha says truth is impermanent. Fobi is a routine of heresy and evil, and both of them are fickle with the routine. Therefore, in nirvana, they broke their prejudices and showed truthfulness, truthfulness, truthfulness and purity. Today, if you go back on your word, you will die forever, misinterpreting the beauty of the Buddha and whispering it for a thousand times. What good is it? "