The proverbs related to tigers are: riding on the back of a tiger is not afraid of the tiger; Cats and mice sleep differently, tigers and deer walk differently; The tiger pulled out its teeth and the dragon picked pearls from its head. True friends, fight tigers together, eat meat together, fake friends, see benefits but not harm; People are afraid of tigers, tigers are afraid of people and so on.
The difference between idioms and proverbs
Idioms are ready-made words, similar to idioms and proverbs, but slightly different. Idioms are different from proverbs, which are mostly sentences rather than phrases. Proverbs are often used in people's spoken language, but seldom used in articles. Proverbs often have a strong colloquial color, unlike idioms with a classical Chinese color.
Proverbs are not as neat as idioms. For example, proverbs like "Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight" and "A crow is as black as a crow" are not so neat. Of course, if these proverbs must be called idioms, they are barely acceptable.