The most famous saying of Socrates is: Know thyself.
Socrates (Greek: Σωκρ?τη?; English: Socrates; German: Sokrates) (469 BC?, one says 470 BC to 399 BC), was a Greek ( Athens) one of the founders of philosophy.
Socrates had a strong influence on philosophers in later antiquity and modern times. Socrates' accounts of art, literature, and popular culture have made him one of the most widely known figures in the Western philosophical tradition. When Socrates was 70 years old, he was tried by the Athenian court on charges of "disrespecting the name of God", "belief in new gods" and "bewitching young people". He eventually chose to drink poisoned wine and die.
Fourteen years after the death of Socrates (385 BC), the Athenian court retried the Socrates case, acquitted Socrates, and sentenced Meletus, who falsely accused Socrates at the time, to death. , Lycon and Anytus and others were sentenced to exile. And the stonemason also carved the head of Socrates to commemorate this event.
His influence is huge. In the history of European culture, he has always been regarded as a saint who died in pursuit of truth, occupying almost the same position as Confucius in Chinese history. Historians of philosophy often regard him as a watershed in the development history of ancient Greek philosophy, and call his previous philosophy Pre-Socratic philosophy.
He created a new era of Greek philosophy with a new understanding of philosophy. With his basic ideas of soul reincarnation and purification, he had a profound and huge influence on Plato, and through them he continued to influence Greece. Transform Western philosophy from the Roman era to later generations.