People are weak in life and strong in death. Plants and trees are soft and brittle when they are alive, and they are withered when they die. Therefore, the strong are the disciples of death, and the weak are the disciples of life. Therefore, if the army is strong, it will be destroyed, and if the wood is strong, it will be broken. The strong is at the bottom, the weak is at the top. ——Tao Te Ching
When a person is alive, his body is soft, but after death, his body becomes stiff. Plants and trees are soft and fragile when they are growing, and become dry, hard and withered after they die. Therefore, strength and death are the same kind, and weakness and life are the same kind. Therefore, those who use military force to show off their strength will be destroyed, and their strong trees will be cut down. Those who are strong are often at a disadvantage, while those who are weak are often at an advantage.
The laws of heaven are constant and will not exist for Yao or perish for Jie. If it is governed, it will be good; if it is chaotic, it will be bad.
The way of heaven has certain laws. It does not exist for Yao and will not perish for Jie. It is auspicious to adapt to it with measures that lead to stability, and it is unlucky to adapt to it with measures that lead to chaos.
If a poor family imitates the rich family’s use of food and clothing, they will soon perish.
If a poor family imitates how rich families dress, eat, and spend more, then the poor family will soon be ruined.
I would rather die and go into exile, but I can't bear to be like this.
I would rather die immediately and have my soul dispersed. I will not do it in a vulgar way.
People want to hear what they say, and they want to accomplish what they do. Therefore, the wise does not use his shortcomings but uses the fool's strengths; he does not use his weaknesses but uses the fool's work, so he is not trapped. If you say it is beneficial, follow its strengths; if you say it is harmful, avoid its shortcomings. Therefore, to defend the insect, it must be strong and thick; to move the stinging insect, it must sting with poison. Therefore, animals know how to use their strengths, and talkers know how to use them.
It is human nature, as long as you speak, you hope someone will listen, and as long as you do something, you hope to succeed. Therefore, the wise man always does not use his own shortcomings, but adopts the strengths of the fool. Do not use your own foolishness but use the skill of a fool, and you will never be in trouble. When it comes to the beneficial side of something, we must give full play to its strengths; when it comes to the harmful side of something, we must avoid its shortcomings. Therefore, beetles use their hard carapace to defend themselves against natural enemies. When poisonous insects attack each other, they must use their poisonous spikes. Even animals know how to use their own strengths, and lobbyists should know how to use their own strengths even more.
To be victorious in a hundred battles is not a good thing; to subjugate the enemy's troops without fighting is a good thing. Excerpted from "Sun Tzu's Art of War: Planning and Attack"
Explanation: Winning a hundred battles is good, but it is not the best of the best. Only when the enemy surrenders without going through a war can it be called the best of the best.
Life cannot be lived by noble people, nor can the body be thickened by love; neither can life be lived by humble people, nor can it be thinned by lightness.
Excerpted from "Liehzi·Li Ming" Explanation: Life does not last long because of nobility; the body does not become strong because of cherishing it; life does not die prematurely because of contempt; nor does the body die because of contempt It can be weak.
Confucius said: "When three people walk, they must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones." "Shu Er"
Confucius said: "When many people travel together, one of them must be my teacher. I choose his good aspects to learn from him, and when I see his bad aspects, I correct my own shortcomings."
When the cunning rabbit is gone, the good dog will be cooked; when the enemy's country is destroyed, the adviser will be destroyed. Excerpted from "Han Feizi Nei Chu Shuo Xia Liu Wei"
Explanation: If the rabbits are gone, the dogs that catch them will be useless. They can be killed and eaten for meat. After the enemy's country is destroyed, the counselors will be useless. It can be killed.
Clear and turbid, small and big, short and long, fast and slow, sad and happy, hard and soft, slow and fast, high and low, in and out, Zhou Shu, to help each other. Excerpted from "Zuo Zhuan·Zhao Gong·Twenty Years of Zhao Gong"
Explanation: It is mutually regulated by turbidity, size, shortness and length, urgency, sadness and joy, hardness and softness, speed and slowness, high and low, entry and exit, and density.
When the spring dries up, the fish and the fish stay on the land. They wet each other with wetness and wet each other with foam. It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes. Excerpted from "Zhuangzi·Neipian·Grand Master"
Explanation: The springs have dried up, and the fish are trapped on the land, clinging to each other, and moistening each other with saliva to survive. At this time, the situation is not as good as that we don't know each other, and we are each other. Swim in the great rivers and lakes.
In ancient times, when people had ambitions, they benefited the people; If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will be good for the world. Excerpted from "Mencius·Jinxin Chapter 1·Section 9"
Explanation: In ancient times, when people achieved success, they gave favors to the people, while those who did not achieve success continued to cultivate their moral character in this world. When you succeed in your ambition, you should benefit all people in the world; when you fail in your ambition, you should clean yourself up and improve your personal practice.