1. It is difficult for outstanding people to get rid of this illusion: they think that mediocre people will be jealous of them and think that they are outstanding, but in fact, they are regarded as superfluous people, and they are missing. No one will feel sorry.
2. Greatness causes jealousy, jealousy leads to resentment, and resentment breeds lies.
——J.K. Rowling
3. Excellent people are troubled and always envied by others.
——Wang Dachui
4. People always say bad things about others behind their backs, but these people’s comments about others are particularly irritating. It seems that someone has admitted that they are the best. As if they were sent to judge the world, they are jealous of many people, never praise anyone, and know everyone's shortcomings.
5. Having talent is often more dangerous than having no talent; it is impossible for people to avoid being scorned, but it is more difficult not to become the object of jealousy.
6. People who are good at nothing will always be jealous of the strengths of others, because the human soul is either nourished by its own goodness or feeds on the evil of others. , If a person lacks one, he must swallow up the other; if a person cannot hope to achieve the strengths of others, he must suppress the luck of others to achieve a tie.
7. Those who take jealousy and evil as nutrition will dare to take a bite of the best people they see.
8. A proud person is bound to be jealous, and he will be jealous of the person who is most praised for his virtue.