1. The progress of science is very slow and requires crawling to get from one point to another. ----Tennyson
2. The whole purpose of science is to consciously obtain everything that nature has given to youth at no cost. ----Turgenev
3. Science is the unique wealth of mankind, and the task of a real scientist is to enrich this treasure house of knowledge that can benefit all mankind. ----Kolmogorov
4. Science is the best way to make the human spirit brave. ----Bruno
5. Science is for those who are diligent and studious, and poetry is for those who are knowledgeable. ----Joseph Rudd
6. Science is systemized knowledge----H. Spencer
7. Science is the most effective antidote to religious superstition. ----A. Smith
8. Science needs human life-----Pavlov
9. Science and art belong to the whole world, in front of them , national barriers disappeared. ----Goethe
10. The greatest progress in science is brought about by new and bold imagination. ----Dewey
11. The real and reasonable purpose of science is to benefit human life and enrich human life with new inventions and wealth. ---- Bacon
12. The truth of science should not be found in the dusty books of ancient sages, but should be found in experiments and theories based on experiments. True philosophy is written in the greatest book that is always open before our eyes. This book is the universe, nature itself, and one must read it. ----Galileo
13. The eternity of science lies in its unremitting pursuit. Science is inexhaustible in terms of its capacity and can never be reached in terms of its goals. . ----Karl von Burr