"The Analects of Confucius".
Be virtuous, run your family and serve your country well. This sentence comes from "The Analects" and is a famous saying of Confucius. Virtue refers to the cultivation of noble character and moral quality, and good moral character and code of conduct. Housekeeping means being good at managing family affairs and property, and having the sense of responsibility and financial ability to maintain the stability and prosperity of the family. Jingye said that he should focus on his own career, strive to pursue excellence, and constantly improve his professional capabilities and technical levels. Baoguo emphasized that personal behavior should focus on the interests of the country and society, and should make contributions to the prosperity and development of the country. contribute. This sentence emphasizes the comprehensive requirements of personal cultivation, family responsibility, career pursuit and national service. It is an important guiding principle for personal behavior and social responsibility in Confucianism.