First, set an example.
Tao Xingzhi once said: "What students are asked to do, teachers and staff do it personally; students are asked to learn knowledge, and teachers and staff learn it personally; students are required to follow the rules, and teachers and staff personally do it. *Shou. "
I don’t know if there is such a phenomenon. The teacher asks the students to be thrifty, but he is left with nothing; the teacher asks the students to listen carefully, but he is whispering while listening to the leader's speech. Therefore, this requires us to lead by example. Everything we say and do attracts the attention of students and affects their behavior.
Second, don’t hesitate to praise.
Everyone desires to be appreciated and praised by others. This is especially true for our students. No matter how bad the grades are, no matter how naughty or mischievous the students are, they will all have bright spots. This requires us to understand the students deeply and get into their hearts. Discover his strengths and encourage him.
Third, learn with an open mind.
Tao Xingzhi once said: "We must be modest, humble, and modest, admitting that we know nothing and admitting that we are powerless." The humility Tao Xingzhi said includes two meanings. First, we must learn from students humbly to make up for our own shortcomings. The second level means that we should read more. Reading more will help us understand more scientific and cultural knowledge. When students ask us why there is a moon during the day, we will not be confused and ignorant.
Fourth, make friends with your children.
Tao Xingzhi believes that it is impossible to teach children well if a person does not understand children's psychology, children's difficulties, children's wishes, children's temper and children's problems. He even compared children to Tang Monk, and called on normal school students to learn from Sun Wukong, "worship children as their masters" and "learn to be a human being" under the guidance of children.
He pointed out: "If you are unwilling to ask your students for advice humbly, you do not know his environment, his abilities, and his needs; then, you have a huge problem. I can't teach him anything." Tao Xingzhi advocated that in the process of learning from students, one should forget his age, join the ranks of children, and become a complete child.
Fifth, tell the truth and don’t tell lies.
Tao Xingzhi pointed out: The teacher’s duty is to “teach thousands of things and teach people to seek truth”; the student’s duty is to “learn thousands of things and learn to be a real person”. Therefore, he advocated that teachers’ duties should not only teach, but more importantly, teach students how to behave. Based on this consideration, he required teachers to possess two qualities: first, to have true knowledge and insights and not be biased; second, to dare to tell the truth and not tell lies. Only in this way can one be considered a competent teacher.