Spring gives flowers a world, and the flowers in their glory also make up for the loneliness and emptiness of spring; the dark night gives the stars a sky, and the twinkling stars also fill the desertedness and solemnity of the night; clear springs It gives the fish some space, and while the fish swim freely, it also adds to the interest of the clear spring; the sea gives the flowing water a space, which not only activates the flowing water, but also enriches itself. As the saying goes, those who give roses to others leave lingering fragrance in their hands. It is said: "It is convenient for others, and it is convenient for yourself." Life is like this. If you lose something, you will gain something. Maybe if you give someone a glass of water, you may get a clear spring. Duke Huan of Qi forgave the revenge of the past and reused Guan Zhong. In order to serve as prime minister, he eventually became the overlord of the generation; Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty forgave Wei Zheng, who was outspoken in admonishing him, and created the "Reign of Zhenguan" that will last for hundreds of years. Bian Zhilin wrote in "Fragment of Chapter": You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, but the people watching the scenery are upstairs. Look at you. The bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams. Others upstairs, you on the bridge, and the bright moon in the sky. No matter if any one is missing, it will not be a complete picture. Don't begrudge the others. Share your happiness with others, because in this way you can get double happiness. China and France hold cultural years for each other. Chinese characteristic clothing and various snacks have begun to go abroad, and French fashion has also continued to flow into China, serving the Chinese market. It adds a beautiful scenery line. "With my beauty, beauty is the same, beauty is the same, beauty is the same." Use your own beauty to decorate the beauty of others, and at the same time harvest beauty, give others roses, why not? On the contrary, use yourself as your own. People in the center cannot appreciate this kind of happiness. They cannot appreciate the vastness of the blue sky and the vastness of the earth. They cannot know that giving to others is a different kind of happiness. Those who are narrow-minded and self-contained will eventually be submerged in themselves. They cannot Extricate yourself. Just like a pool of stagnant water, it will become moldy one day. Some people say that the distance between heaven and hell is not far. It is not for others, but just for yourself, that is hell; not only for yourself, but also for others, in mutual help** When you are born, that is heaven; when you step out of your closed self, open your mind to give everything, tolerate everything, you enter heaven. When you tolerate others with a fraternal heart, others will give you the same love in return. When you face the world with a smile, the whole world is smiling at you. Give people roses, and the fragrance will remain in your hands. Give people love, and when you receive love, the world will be filled with love, and the fragrance will last forever.