Danna's important works mainly include the following three aspects:
1. Literary history and literary criticism: "La Fontaine and His Fables" (1854), "Britain" "History of Literature" (1864-69), "Collection of Commentaries", "Sequel to Commentary", "Collection of Commentary" (1858, 65, 94);
2. Philosophy: "French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century" "Studies on Homes" (1857), "On Intelligence" (1870);
3. Historical aspects: "The Origins of Modern France" twelve volumes (1871-94); in terms of art criticism, there is "Travel Notes in Italy" (1864-66) and Philosophy of Art.
The works listed in the plan but not written include "On the Will" and other volumes of "The Origins of Modern France", which focus on French society and the French family.
Art in Greece(1871)
Art in the Netherlands(1874)
Az Angol irodalom t?rténete (1883)
A tour through the Pyrenees(1874 )
De l'intelligence (1870)
De l'idéal dans l'art (1867)
De l'intelligence (1900)
Derniers ossais de critique et d'histoire (1894)
Du suffrage universel et de la manièrede voter (1872)
Essai sur les Fables de La Fontaine ... ( 1853)
Essais de critique et d'histoire (1892)
English Positivism (1873)
H. A. Taine (1869)
H. Taine; sa vie et sa correspondance... (1907)
History of English Literature (1-3)(1897)
Histoire de la littérature anglaise(1863)< /p>
H. Taine, sa vie et sa correspondance(1902)
Histoire de la littérature anglaise(1863)
Italy, Florenceand Venice(1872)
Italy, Romeand Naples: Romeand Naples(1872)
Life and letters of H. Taine(1-3)(1902)
Lectures on Art (1877)< /p>
Les philosophes fran?ais du XIXe siècle(1860)
Les origins de la Francecontemporaine (1885)
Les origines de la Francecontemporaine (1878)
Le positivisme anglais: et?ude surStuart Mill (1864)
La Fontaine EtSes Fables (1892)
La Rivoluzione (1911)
Notes sur l'Angleterre (1872)
Notes on England(1885)
Nouveaux essais de critique et d'histoire (1880)
Notes sur Paris(1893 )
Philosophie de l'art (1893)
Philosophie de l'art dans les Pays-Bas (1883)
The Philosophy of Art (1873)
The Ancient Regime (1876)
The Modern Regime (1894)
The Ideal in Art (1874)
Un séjour en Francede 1792 à 1795 (1872)
Voyage en Italie (1902) Chinese translation:
1. (French) Danner, translated by Fu Lei:
"Philosophy of Art", Dunhuang Literature and Art Publishing House, May 1994
2. (France) Written by H.A. Taine, translated by Fu Lei, edited by Fu Min:
" "Philosophy of Art," a collection of Taine's masterpieces translated by Fu Lei, Henan People's Publishing House, 1998
3. (French) H.A. Taine, translated by Fu Lei: "Philosophy of Art" ", Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House, 1998
4. (French) H.A. Taine, translated by Fu Lei:
"Art Philosophy Illustrated Collection", Guangxi Normal University Publishing House, 2000