However, there will always be the principle of survival of the fittest and merit-based admission in the exam. Some people are competent for their jobs, while others want to work in public institutions. One is to win glory on the face, and the other is to look for future support and seek protection for your retirement.
At present, the wage gap between internal staff and supernumerary staff in the unit is large, precisely because: the unit is a regular employee and the supernumerary staff is? Temporary workers? Therefore, the performance appraisal within the system is only used by the staff, and the supernumerary staff can only miss the performance, so there will be a gap between benefits and wages.
We all know why there is a huge difference in salary and treatment for the same job, which will lead to psychological imbalance of non-staff employees and even negative slack. However, the supernumerary staff think that as long as there are no big mistakes, the work can be retained and the work enthusiasm is not high. So, now the national government is calling for the physical reform of public institutions to be broken? Iron rice bowl? Realize the tradition of equal pay for equal work.
So, how to achieve it? Equal pay for equal work? . First of all, the first point: fully adopt the appointment system, so that truly capable people can be leaders. You can't use the establishment as a talisman, and you can enjoy the highest treatment without working; The second is regardless of education and length of service. As long as it is the same job, give the same salary, pay according to the merits of the work done, and maintain a good competitive relationship with the unit; The third is that non-staff personnel try their best to get the preparation work and let them enjoy the treatment within the preparation.
All in all: every effort will always pay off. Now is not the time to eat the same pot. It is very unrealistic for everyone to work collectively and get the same salary. You can only get the life you want by your own efforts. Come on, kid!