What is UBB code?
UBB code is a variant of HTML, and it is a special label used in the ultimate bulletin board (a BBS program abroad, which is also used in many places in China). You probably already know him well. UBB code is very simple and has few functions, but because its tag grammar check is very easy to implement, our community decided to introduce this code to facilitate users to use common functions such as displaying pictures/links/bold fonts.
UBB codes currently available:
URL hyperlink
Add a hyperlink to your message, just insert it in the following way (UBB code is red).
According to the above example, UBB code will automatically generate a link to the URL and ensure that the link is open when the user clicks the new window. Pay attention to the URL "/~elvis/ohyeah.gif[/img]".
In the above example, UBB code will automatically make the image displayed in your message. Note: Don't forget to put a slash [/email] in brackets at the end of the URL.