Check-in location is the current real-time location of employees, and employees can also take photos when checking in. At present, foreign map location check-in is not supported, only Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are supported.
1. You can check in at most 100 times a day, and upload at most 9 pictures.
2. There is no concept of check-in and check-out. If you want to punch in and out of work, it is recommended to use the attendance punch application;
3. You can't log in automatically. If you forget to sign in, you can't make it up. It is suggested to fill in comments or explain the situation to the administrator after logging in again.
4. If there is no sign-in application, it is recommended to check the top of the page to confirm whether the right team has been selected, or ask the administrator to confirm whether the application has been deactivated;
5. The check-in address cannot be changed.
6. You can't set a cc person when logging in. You can export login data.
7. Repeated check-in in the same place cannot be prohibited.