Desktop.ini also has a special CLSID. After modification, the folder can have the same function as the shortcut, and of course it can only point to the folder.
Folder icon
InfoTip= comment
IconFile= the path to the icon file.
IconIndex= Select the icon to use in the file.
Custom icon file, whose extension can be. exe,。 dll,。 Ico, etc
Folder background
{ be 098 140-a 5 13- 1 1d 0-a3 a4-00 c 04 FD 706 EC } = { be 098 140-a 5 13- 1 10d 0-a3 a4-00 c 04 FD 706 EC }
[{ be 098 140-a 5 13- 1 1d 0-a3 a4-00 c 04 FD 706 EC }]
Attribute = 1
icon area _ Image = 1 1 . jpg
Where 1 1.jpg is a picture. Use Notepad to save the above contents as desktop.ini, put them in a folder with background pictures, and change the background. To prevent accidental deletion, you can set desktop.ini and pictures as hidden properties.
Mark special folders
There are some special folders in the system, such as recycle bin, my computer, my documents, online neighbors and so on. There are two ways to mark these folders:
1. Directly follow the folder name with the corresponding CLSID.
For example, name a folder as a new folder. { 20d 04 Fe 0-3 AEA- 1069-a2d 8-08002 b 30309d }
(Note: the new folder is followed by a period.)
Then the icon of this folder will become the icon of my computer. Double-clicking this folder will open my computer.
See CLSID below.
Expand HKEY _ Class _ Root \CLSID\ in the registry, and you can see that there are many IDs under the CLSID branch, which correspond to different programs, files, system components and so on in the system.
CLSID corresponding to public component class:
My document: 450d8ba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b103.
My computer: 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D
Online neighbors: 208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D
Recycle bin: 645ff040-5081-1kloc-0/b-9f08-00a002f954e.
internet Explorer:87 1c 5380-42 A0- 1069-A2EA-08002 b 30309d
Control panel: 21ec2020-3aea-1069-a2dd-08002b30309d
Dial-up network/network connection: 992 cffa0-f557-101a-88ec-00dd010ccc48.
Task plan: D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00A0060F5 BF
Printer (and fax): 2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d
History folder: 7bd29e00-76c1-1kloc-0/cf-9dd0-00a0c9034933.
ActiveX cache folder: 88c6c381-2e85-11d0-94de-444553540000.
Briefcase: 85bbd920-42a0-1069-a2e4-08002b30309d
2. The second is through the desktop.ini file.
Take my computer as an example:
Create a new folder with any name, and then create a desktop.ini file under it, with the following contents:
CLSID={ corresponding ID}
Note: Some viruses create such folders to hide themselves. Besides, it's also a way for us to hide our little secrets.
Mark folder owner
This can usually be found in my documents and so on. For example, there is such a file in my document, which reads as follows:
[Delete copy]
Owner = Administrator
Personalization =5
PersonalizedName = my document
Change folder color
The realization of this function needs to register a ColorFolder.dll. dll file. Because I haven't tried it, I can't provide the corresponding content. The following is what I found online for your reference.
Change folder color
Save it as a desktop.ini file together with the ColorFolder.dll file (downloaded from the Mikebox network disk).
If you want to add a background picture (bj.jpg) and change the color of the file name in the folder!
Attribute = 1
Put the picture named bj.jpg in the same folder, and then add the above content under the original code to change the background picture of the folder! Change the picture of bj.jpg, change the name of the red position (bj.jpg) to the changed picture name, and then set it as your favorite background picture (jpg format is recommended)! Modify 0x000000FF and change the file color to the color you want!
0x000000FF is red.
0x00008000 is green.
0x00FF0000 is blue.
0x00FFFFFF is white! (Changing colors should also be supported by dynamic link library files. )
Register dynamic link library: please enter: regsvr 32 ColorFolder.dll (without quotation marks, there is a space between regsvr32 and ColorFolder.dll! ) Register the dynamic link library with the system!
After modifying the desktop.ini file above, the command (the path of the folder corresponding to attrib +s) will take effect!
Identifies a special folder name
The implementation method needs to use the line locallizedresourcename in desktop.ini, for example:
localized resource name = @ shell 32 . dll,-28995
This line can change the display of folder names in the system folder to "My Music".
More signs are as follows:
localized resourcename = @ shell 32 . dll,-28995 - 28997
28996 *** Enjoy the video
28995 *** Enjoy music
28997 *** Enjoy the image
localized resourcename = @ shell 32 . dll,- 12688 - 12696
12693 Favorites
1269 1 my recent documents
localized resourcename = @ shell 32 . dll,-2 1760 - 2 1795
2 1779 picture collection
2 1780 online service
2 178 1 program file
2 1782 program
2 1783 received fax.
2 1784 sending a fax
2 1785 * * Enjoy the document.
2 1790 my music
localized resourcename = @ shell 32 . dll,-220 16 - 22075
@xpsp2res.dll, -6 100= Display the desktop.
@ xpsp 1res.dll,-1 1003 = Start the Internet Explorer browser.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Shell32.dll, -9227 = My document.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -92 16 = My computer.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -8964 = Recycle Bin.
@shell32.dll, -2205 1= Notepad
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Tourstart.exe,-1 = roaming Windows XP.
@shell32.dll, -22022= command prompt
@shell32.dll, -220 17= address book
@shell32.dll, -2204 1= magnifying glass
@shell32.dll, -22065= Accessibility Manager
@shell32.dll, -22052= on-screen keyboard
@shell32.dll, -22040= local security policy
@shell32.dll,-22059= service
@shell32.dll, -22023= computer management
@shell32.dll, -22029= Event Viewer
@shell32.dll, -22025= data source (ODBC)
@shell32.dll, -22055= Performance
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ com res.dll, -66 1 = component service.
@shell32.dll, -2 1762= management tool
@ shell32.dll, -2 176 1 = attachment.
@shell32.dll, -2 1760= auxiliary tool
@shell32.dll, -2 1772= entertainment
@shell32.dll, -22067=Windows Explorer
@shell32.dll, -22062= synchronization
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Compatui.dll,-1 15 = Program Compatibility Wizard
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Shell32.dll, -92 17 = Online Neighbor.
@explorer.exe,-7023 = Run(&; r) ...
C: \ \ Program file \ \ Skynet \ \ Firewall \ \ pfw.exe = Skynet Firewall Personal Edition.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ ctfmon.exe = CTF loader.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ IMKR6 _1\ \ imekrcic.dll, -22 = Korean Input System (IME 2002)
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ IME \ \ sptip.dll, -600 = speech recognition.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -229 13 = Show the drives and hardware connected to this computer.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -93 19 = printer and fax.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ netshell.dll,-1200 = network connection.
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell 32 . dll,-8503 = Search(&; e) ...
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ my comput . dll,-400 = Management(&; g)
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Rundl32.exe = Run dll as an application.
@explorer.exe, -7003= Open a program, folder, document or website.
C:\\WINDOWS\\Explorer。 EXE=Windows explorer
D: \ \ program file \ \ qqip \ \ coralqq.exe = coral QQ loader.
D:\ \ program file \ \ maxthon1.58 \ \ maxthon.exe = maxthon web browser
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Notepad.exe = Notepad.
D:\ \ program file \\QQIP\\QQ.exe=QQ
C:\ \ program file \ \ internet explorer \ \ iexplore.exe = internet explorer
C:\ \ Program file \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ Office11\ \ Winword. EXE=Microsoft Office Word
c:\ \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ \ EDITPL ~ 1 \ \ EDITPLUS。 EXE=EditPlus
C: \ \ Program file \ \ windowsnt \ \ Attachment \ \ wordpad.exe = WordPad.
C:\ \ WINDOWS \ \ Notepad. EXE= notepad
@ shell32.dll,-1269 1 = My latest document.
D:\ \ Wei Yuan \ \ server \ \ Tomcat _ center \ \ bin \ \ startup.bat = startup.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ cmd.exe = Windows command processor.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Notepad.exe, -469 = text document.
@shell32.dll,-12693= Favorites
C:\ \ program file \ \ aⅵ converter \ \ aⅵ converter.exe = aⅵ converter
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ taskmgr.exe = Windows Enhanced Task Manager.
@ shell32.dll,- 127 10 = Run(&; r)
C:\ \ program file \ \ editplus2 \ \ editplus.exe = editplus
D:\ \ program file \ \ maxthon2 \ \ maxthon.exe = maxthon browser
D:\ \ Foxmail \ \ Foxmail. exe = Internet mail client.
C:\ \ program file \\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe=WinRAR
@wmploc.dll,- 1800= Play
@wmploc.dll,-6502=Windows Media Player
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 154 = Open the folder to view the file.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 155 = Windows Explorer.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 168 = No operation.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ wiaacmgr.exe, -276 = Copy the picture to a folder on your computer.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ wiaacmgr.exe,-10/= Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 156 = View the slide show of the picture.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 157 = Windows picture and fax viewer.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 158 = Print this picture.
@% systemroot% \ \ system32 \ \ shell32.dll,-17 159 = photo printing wizard.
@shell32.dll, -8504= Auto Play (&; p)
Shimgvw.dll = Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ mspaint.exe = drawing.
c:\ \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ \ MICROS ~ 2 \ \ office 1 1 \ \ OIS。 EXE=Microsoft Office picture manager
@shimgvw.dll, -550= Preview (&; V)
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw.dll, -303 = JPEG image.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ zipfldr.dll = zipped folder.
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ Rar $ ex 00.765 \ \ fo-ts 3 12 . exe = top style Pro Setup
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ is-donlv . tmp \ \ is-vq0ha . tmp = Setup/Uninstall
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ Rar $ ex 00.657 \ \ fo-ts 3 12 . exe = top style Pro Setup
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ is-g2r O4 . tmp \ \ is-a6nhj . tmp = Setup/Uninstall
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Bradbury \ \ top style 3 \ \ top style 3 . exe = top style
D: \ \ downloads \ \ editplus \ \ \ \ editplus.exe = editplus Chinese version.
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ Office 1 1 \ \ EXCEL。 EXE=Microsoft Office Excel
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ Office 1 1 \ \ MSPUB。 EXE=Microsoft Office Publisher
C: \ \ program files \ \ ultraedit \ \ uedit32.exe = ultraedit-32 professional text/hexadecimal editor
@ c: \ \ program files \ \ netmeeting \ \ conf.exe,-12345 = h.323 VoIP service.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ accwiz.exe,-16 = Accessibility Wizard Settings.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -9909 = Windows Media audio/video file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -99 10 = Windows Media audio/video playlist.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -9904 = Au format sound.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -22978 = briefcase.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ ntbackup.exe, -40 = Windows backup file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ pdh.dll,-10023 = performance monitor file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw.dll, -304 = BMP image.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 145 = safe directory.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -99 18 = CD track.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ cdfview.dll, -46 10 = channel file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 108 = security certificate.
@ c: \ \ program files \ \ netmeeting \ \ conf.exe,-12346 = speed dial.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 1 10 = certificate revocation list.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ netshell.dll,-1300 = dial-up network file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9927 = TV program recorded by Microsoft.
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw . dll,-30 1 = EMF image。
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw . dll,-302 = GIF image。
@ c: \ \ program files \ \ netmeeting \ \ conf.exe,-12347 = compatible with Intel iPhone.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ setupapi.dll, -2000 = installation information.
@ c: \ \ Program files \ \ Internet Explorer \ \ Connection Wizard \ \ icwres.dll,-2003 = Internet communication settings.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ whext.dll, -4804=JScript script file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ whext.dll,-4805 = script file encoded by JScript.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9902 = movie clip.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9926 = M3U file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9907 = MIDI sequence.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9925 = MP3 format sound.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ mmcbase.dll,-130 = Microsoft general management document.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ msi.dll, -34 = Windows installer package.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ msi.dll, -35 = Windows Installer patch.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ rcbdyctl.dll,-150 = Microsoft remote access event.
@ c: \ \ program files \ \ moviemaker \ \ wmm2res.dll, -63097 = Windows moviemaker project.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ PChealth \ \ HelpCTR \ \ binaries \ \ msinfo.dll, -39 1 = msinfo document.
@ c: \ \ program files \ \ netmeeting \ \ nmwb.dll,-1234 = Microsoft netmeeting126 compatible with whiteboard documents.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll,-611= PKCS # 7 certificate.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 1 13 = PKCS # 7 signature.
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw . dll,-305 = PNG image。
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Scrobj.dll, -8 192=Windows script component.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shscrap.dll, -258 = fragment object.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 1 12 = Microsoft series certificate store.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ crypttext.dll, -6 109 = certificate trust list.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ whext.dll,-4803 = script file encoded by VBScript.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Whext.dll, -4802=VBScript script file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -9908 = waveform sound.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe,-9911= Windows Media Audio Shortcut.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -99 12 = Windows Media audio file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -9920 = Windows Media Player downloads the software package.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shimgvw.dll, -307 = WMF image.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe,-9915 = Windows Media Player appearance file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe, -99 14 = Windows Media audio/video file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unremp2.exe,-9916 = Windows Media Player appearance package.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -9923 = Windows Media Playlist.
@ \ c: \ \ program file \ \ Windows NT \ \ attachment \ \ wordpad.exe \, -208 = writing document.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ whext.dll, -480 1=Windows script file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ whext.dll, -4800=Windows script host settings file.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ INF \ \ unregmp2.exe, -99 13 = Windows Media audio/video playlist.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ msxml3r.dll,-1 = XML document.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ msxml3r.dll, -2 = xsl stylesheet.
c:\ \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ \ FlashGet \ \ FlashGet . exe = FlashGet
D:\ \ Wei Yuan \ \ server \ \ Tomcat \ \ bin \ \ startup.bat = startup.
@netcfgx.dll, -50002= Allow your computer to access resources on the Microsoft network.
@netcfgx.dll, -50003= Allow other computers to access resources on your computer through the Microsoft network.
@netcfgx.dll, -500 15= Quality of Service Packet Scheduler. This component provides network traffic control, including traffic rate and priority service.
@ netcfgx.dll, -5000 1 = TCP/IP is the default WAN protocol. It provides communication across all kinds of Internet.
@shdoclc.dll,-880=Internet Explorer
@shdoclc.dll, -867= Daily Prompt (&; t)
@shdoclc.dll, -868= Display daily tips.
d:\ \ Downloads \ \ editplus \ \ ultra compare _ Pro _ 4. 10a _ SC . exe = ultra compare _ Pro _ 4. 10a _ SC
D:\ \ program file \ \ ultracompare \ \ uc.exe = ultracompare professional edition.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -229 14 = contains documents and files such as letters and reports.
c:\ \ WINDOWS \ \ hh . exe = Microsoft & amp; RegHTML help executable file
D: \ \ Download \ \ WOM \ \ Wopti Utility \ \ woptiutilities.exe = WOPTI Utility.
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ Rar $ ex 00.500 \ \ storm codec 6. 10.00 . exe = storm codec 6. 10.00
C:\ \ program file \\MPC\\StormSet.exe=StormSet
@shell32.dll, -2 1779= picture collection
@shell32.dll, -2 1790= My music
D:\\doc\\chm\\ Complete Works of Huang Yi. Exe = e-book reader.
@inetcplc.dll, -4746= Accessibility
@inetcplc.dll, -473 1= Always expand the description text of the image.
@inetcplc.dll, -4732= The mobile system inserts tags as the focus (or selection) changes.
@inetcplc.dll, -4745= Browse
@inetcplc.dll, -4852= Use the direct insertion autocomplete function.
@inetcplc.dll, -4856= Enable personalized favorites menu.
@inetcplc.dll, -4866= Force off-screen composition, even under the terminal server (need to restart).
@inetcplc.dll, -4833= Display friendly HTTP error messages.
@inetcplc.dll, -4734= Display friendly URL.
@inetcplc.dll, -4743= Use passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
@inetcplc.dll, -4737= Enable folder view for FTP sites.
@inetcplc.dll, -4840= Show the Go button in the address bar.
@inetcplc.dll, -4837= Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates.
@inetcplc.dll, -4836= Enable on-demand installation (Internet Explorer)
@inetcplc.dll, -4835= Notify when the download is completed.
@inetcplc.dll, -4838= Close all unused folders in history and favorites (need to be restarted).
@inetcplc.dll, -4829= Allow page conversion.
@inetcplc.dll, -486 1= Reuse the window that starts the shortcut.
@inetcplc.dll, -4736= Allow offline projects to synchronize as scheduled.
@xpsp2res.dll, -4892= Disable script debugging (Other)
@xpsp2res.dll, -489 1= Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
@inetcplc.dll, -4832= Displays a notification of each script error.
@inetcplc.dll, -4735= Use smooth scrolling.
@inetcplc.dll, -4828= Underline the link
@inetcplc.dll, -4825= always
@inetcplc.dll,-4827= hover
@inetcplc.dll, -4826= Never.
@inetcplc.dll, -4874= Enable third-party browser extension (restart required)
@inetcplc.dll, -4873= Enables visual styles for buttons and controls on web pages.
@inetcplc.dll, -4839= Always send URL in UTF-8 (restart required)
@inetcplc.dll, -4875= Enable on-demand installation (Other)
@inetcplc.dll, -4747= security
@inetcplc.dll, -4750= Empty the temporary Internet folder when closing the browser.
@inetcplc.dll, -4749= Do not save encrypted pages to the hard disk.
@xpsp2res.dll, -57 10= Allow the active content on the CD to run on my computer.
@inetcplc.dll, -476 1= Check the publisher's certificate revocation.
@inetcplc.dll, -4762= Check the signature of the download program.
@xpsp2res.dll, -5700= Allow active content to run in files on my computer.
@inetcplc.dll, -4863= Enable integrated Windows authentication (reboot required)
@inetcplc.dll, -4756= Start the Profile Assistant.
@xpsp2res.dll,-10505= Allows running or installing software, even if the signature is invalid.
@inetcplc.dll, -4757= Warn when switching between safe and unsafe modes.
@inetcplc.dll, -4759= Warning about invalid site certificate.
@inetcplc.dll, -4752= Use SSL 2.0.
@inetcplc.dll, -4753= Use SSL 3.0.
@inetcplc.dll, -4760= Check server certificate revocation (restart required)
@inetcplc.dll, -4758= Warn when redirecting the submitted form.
@inetcplc.dll, -4754= Use TLS 1.0.
@ inetcplc.dll, -4822 = http 1. 1 Settings.
@inetcplc.dll, -4823= Use HTTP 1. 1.
@inetcplc.dll, -4824= Use HTTP 1. 1 through proxy connection.
@inetcplc.dll, -4744= Multimedia
@inetcplc.dll, -474 1= Play the animation in the webpage.
@inetcplc.dll, -487 1= Enables automatic image resizing.
@inetcplc.dll, -4865= Enable image toolbar (restart required)
@inetcplc.dll, -4742= Show pictures.
@inetcplc.dll, -4843= Display image download placeholder.
@inetcplc.dll, -4738= Intelligent Image Jitter
@inetcplc.dll, -4739= Play the sound in the webpage.
@inetcplc.dll, -4740= Play the video in the webpage.
@inetcplc.dll,-4769= print
@inetcplc.dll, -4770= Print background color and image.
@inetcplc.dll, -477 1= Search from the address bar.
@inetcplc.dll, -4844= When searching
@inetcplc.dll, -4845= Display the results, and then go to the nearest site.
@inetcplc.dll, -4847= Show results only in the main window.
@inetcplc.dll, -4846= Go to the nearest site.
@inetcplc.dll, -4848= Do not search from the address bar.
D:\ \ program file \ \ plsqldeveloper \ \ plsqldev.exe = pl/sqldeveloper.
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ Office 1 1 \ \ power nt。 EXE=Microsoft Office PowerPoint
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ mstsc.exe, -400 1 = Connect to the desktop of the computer from a remote location and run the application, just as if you were sitting in front of the console.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ mstsc.exe = Remote Desktop Connection.
Exetupfav.exe = Exetupfav Microsoft Basic Application.
C: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Celestial component \ \ ycoms.exe = ycoms Microsoft basic application.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -325 17 = taskbar and start menu.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -22985 = folder option.
@ c:\ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32 . dll,-2298 1 = font。
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ shell32.dll, -22982 = administrative tool.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ mstask.dll, -3408 = task plan.
@ c: \ \ Windows \ \ System32 \ \ wiashext.dll, -33 1 = scanner and camera.
@ C:\ \ program file \ \ internet explorer \ \ iexplore.exe, -702=Internet Explorer.
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Bradbury \ \ top style 3 \ \ uninst 000 . exe = Setup/Uninstall
c:\ \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ \ Temp \ \ _ iu 14d2n . tmp = Setup/Uninstall
d:\ \ Downloads \ \ editplus \ \ top style 3 \ \ top style 3 \ \ top style 3 . exe = top style
D: \ \ Wei Yuan \ \ vstart \ vstart.exe = sonic startup-your startup expert.
D:\ \ Wei Yuan \\VStart\\ Software \\Mybase\\Mybase.exe=Mybase
C:\ \ program file \ \ MPC \ \ mplayerc.exe = mediaplayer classic
C:\ \ program file \ \ windowsmediaplayer \ \ wmplayer.exe = windowsmediaplayer
C:\ \ program file \\MPC\\GSpot.exe=GSpot codec information equipment (tm)
C:\ \ program file \ \ msnmmessenger \ \ msnmsgr.exe = msnmmessenger
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Common Files \ \ Microsoft Shared \ \ office 1 1 \ \ MSOXMLED。 EXE=XML editor
c:\ \ Program Files \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ Office 1 1 \ \ INFOPATH。 EXE=Microsoft Office InfoPath
@shell32.dll, -30498= files and folders
@shell32.dll, -30506= Remember the view settings of each folder.
@shell32.dll, -30497= Display the control panel on my computer.
@shell32.dll, -30507= Open the folder window in a separate process.
@shell32.dll, -305 17= Thumbnails are not cached.
@shell32.dll, -305 14= Display file size information in folder prompt.
@ shell32.dll, -305 1 1 = Displays a simple folder view in the folder list in Explorer.
@shell32.dll, -30499= Hide files and folders.
@shell32.dll, -3050 1= Do not show hidden files and folders.
@shell32.dll, -30500= Show all files and folders.
@shell32.dll, -30503= Hide the extension of known file types.
@shell32.dll, -30509= Automatically search network folders and printers.
@shell32.dll, -305 13= Restore the previous folder window when logging in.
@shell32.dll, -305 12= Displays encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color.
@shell32.dll, -30504= Displays the full path in the title bar.
@shell32.dll, -30505= Displays the full path in the address bar.
@shell32.dll, -30502= Prompt information is displayed when the mouse points to folders and desktop items.
@shell32.dll, -305 18= Enjoy * * * with simple files (recommended)
@shell32.dll, -30508= Hide protected operating system files (recommended)
@shell32.dll, -305 10= Displays the contents of the system folder.
@shell32.dll, -28964= You have chosen to display protected operating system files (files marked as system and hidden) in Windows Explorer.
These files are necessary to start and run Windows. Deleting or editing them will make your computer inoperable.
Do you want to display these files?
C:\ \ WINDOWS \ \ regedit. exe = Registry Editor
@SHELL32.dll, -9227= My document
Identifies a special folder icon
icon resource = % SystemRoot % \ system32 \ imageres . dll,- 1 12
This line can change the display of the system folder My Documents to the original system icon.
More signs are as follows:
-108 My music
-1 12 My Documents
-1 13 My picture
-1 15 favorites
-183 desktop
-184 download
-185 link
-186 game
-189 My video