Why is it that everything is in English after entering Recovery? The key is that the poster does not know its meaning. Now it is listed in Chinese and English. Once the poster knows the Chinese meaning, the operation will be very simple!
Comparison table of recovery operations in Chinese and English:
-reboot system now——restart the system
-apply update from sdcard: apply update from SD card
-wipe data/factory reset: wipe data and restore factory settings
-wipe cache partition: clear the system cache (these two are commonly known as "double clear")
-install zip from sdcard: Install .zip files from sd (commonly used card swiping)
-choose zip from sdcard: Select zip files from sd card (commonly used)
- apply/sdcard/update.zip: Apply update from SD card (the function is the same as apply update from sdcard)
-toggle signature verification: switch signature verification
-toggle script asserts: switch Script maintenance
-backup and restore: backup and restore system
-mounts and storage: mount and storage
-unmount /cache: cancel cache folder mounting Mount (basically not used)
-mount /data: Mount the data folder (basically not used)
-mount /system: Mount the system folder (basically used less than)
-mount /sdcard: Mount the memory card (basically not used)
-mount /sd-ext: Mount the memory card Ext partition (basically not used) )
-format /cache: Format the cache (it is best to execute it before flashing)
-format /data: Format data (it is best to execute it before flashing)
-format /system: Format the system (it is best to do this before flashing)
-format /sdcard: Format the internal memory card (you will regret it if you do this)
-format /sd-ext: Format the Ext partition of the memory card (you will regret doing this)
-mount USB storage: Enable the USB mass storage function in Recovery mode (that is, It says that the memory card can be read and written under Recovery)
-Advanced Advanced Options
-Reboot Recovery: Enter recovery (i.e. flash mode) after restarting
< p>-wipeDalvik cache: clear Dalvik cache-wipe battery stats: clear battery data
-report error: report error
-key test: key test
-show log: show log
-partition SD card: sd card partition (the partition will format the sd card, please back up the important contents of the sd card before use)
-fix permissions: Repair permissions
-power off: Shut down