Usage summary and examples of Se:
1, personal pronoun:
——Le diste el libro a Juan? Did you give the book to Juan?
-Ross, Roddy. Yes, I already gave it to him. (se here is a personal pronoun, referring to Juan)
2. Personal pronouns of self-complex verbs:
Rani? Arthur Pei Na. The little girl combs her hair by herself. Comb your hair by yourself, which is a self-answering verb.
A Rani? Pei Na's mother. The little girl's mother combed her hair. This is not a reflexive verb. Note the difference from the above example)
3, said interaction:
Juan and Pedro. Juan and Pedro exchange greeting cards. (se stands for interaction)
4, said the person is not specific:
Eneste restaurant se come muybien The food in this restaurant is delicious. Remove the se, and come will have no subject. )
5, said passive:
Go ahead. Selling floor tiles (indicating that the floor tiles have been sold)
6. Emphasize the degree of verbs:
El comió tres platos。 He ate three plates.
This is the third row. He ate three plates. (Emphasis on surprise: I actually ate three large plates)
7. Sentence components used by non-serious people:
This is the castle of Manos. He dropped something in his hand.