Demon hunter [transformation: level 5 or above]-(hero, town center) (note: the sound file is the same as the ordinary demon hunter below, and there is no special action/execution sound effect in [])
Demon hunter-(hero, town center)
= architectural sound effect =
-We can finally get revenge! I can finally get revenge!
= Selected sound effect =
-It's time. It is time.
-We have to move! We must act!
-My sword is thirsty, my sword is eager ...
-Come on! Come on!
-Order me! Order me!
= Action/Action Sound =
-[Mind Control] You're fascinated! * * * You are possessed.
-[Deformation] It's time to go to hell! It's time to call hell.
-[Soul-sucking] Your soul is mine! * * * Your soul belongs to me
-[Ghost] Stop hiding! * * * You have nowhere to hide.
Ana Toretta! * * elvish language
Even though I am cursed! Even if I'm cursed!
-Duranka. * * * elvish language
-Finally. Finally.
Hmm. Hmm.
= scold the player sound effect =
-I will fight poison with poison! I want to restrain the flame with the flame.
Chaos is boiling in my veins! The power of chaos is boiling in my blood.
-Demon blood is more than ... ordinary blood. The devil's blood is more than ... ordinary blood.
-I like my enemies dead and my blades burning. I like to watch the enemy die under my burning blade.
-I like green trees! Note: This is impolite. In the game, it is actually upside down. I didn't want to spell it, so I turned it upside down.
-You will cough in flames, I'm sorry! You will be destroyed (cough) in the flame. Oh, sorry!
-Dark Call, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to dial the Dark, but his phone rang. I shouted, "Pick up the phone, darkness", but he ignored me. The darkness must have blocked his phone. The Dark Lord once called me, … but I was on the phone, so I missed it. I tried to call him back, but I only got a recorded message. I shouted, "Pick up the phone, Lord of darkness", but he ignored me. The dark Lord must have blocked his phone.
= attack sound effect =
-[.vs hero] forcalendar or! For Karimdo.
-No one can survive! Anyone who stands in my way will die!
-Your blood is mine! Drink your blood!
-Run for your life! Run for your life!
Revenge! Revenge!