Create a key pair locally in the CRT. The configuration in the CRT has the following steps:
1. Open your CRT, click on the tool, and click Create Public Key;< /p>
2. Here is the selection of key type;
3. Although we can no longer authenticate through passwords in the future, if you want to be more secure, you can still add an additional password. If you do not set a phrase, you can leave it blank;
4. The key will be generated by itself, click Next
5. Here I am using the default standard public key and VanDyke private key formats
6. Choose your length according to security requirements. Here I choose the default 1024.
7. After selecting the key length, this option will pop up, because I only configure one connection. , so I chose No
8. Next, we open the Linux system command terminal to implement CRT remote connection and configure the following:
oldman@apache:~$ cd ~? Enter the home directory
oldman@apache:~$ pwd ? View path
oldman@apache:~$ mkdir .ssh Create .ssh Directory
oldman@apache:~$ ls -la View the list and you can see that .ssh has been created
drwx------? 3 oldman oldman 4096 March? 2 13 :59 .
drwxr-xr-x. 28 root ? root ? 4096 March ? 2 13:52 ..
-rw-r--r-- ? 1 oldman oldman ? 18 Oct 16 21:56 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- ? 1 oldman oldman ?176 Oct 16 21:56 .bash_profile
-rw -r--r-- ? 1 oldman oldman ?124 October 16 21:56 .bashrc
drwx------ ? 2 oldman oldman 4096 March ? 2 13:59 .ssh< /p>
oldman@apache:~$ chmod 700 .ssh/ ? Modify the .ssh directory permissions. The permissions must be correct
oldman@apache:~$ ls -ld .ssh/ ?Check it
drwx------ 2 oldman oldman 4096 March? 2 13:59 .ssh/
oldman@apache:~$ cd .ssh/ ?Enter .ssh
oldman@apache:~/.ssh$ rz -y Upload the previous public key file ending in .pub to the server
oldman@apache:~$ ls -ll check< /p>
-rw-r--r-- 1 oldman oldman ?725 March? 9 2015 ?The public key file just now
9. Change the name to the sshd configuration under the server The public key name set in the file is authorized_keys
oldman@apache:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -i -f >authorized_keys oldman@apache:~/.ssh$ ll ? Perform Check
-rw------- 1 oldman oldman 1200 March? 2 19:58 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r-- 1 oldman oldman ?725 March? 9 2015
At this point, the server-side configuration is OK!