Hong Kong passport has visa-free access to 168 countries and regions, and the passport has obvious advantages. For applicants who need to fly around the world for a long time, they can choose to get a Hong Kong passport, which will save a lot of unnecessary waiting and trouble. Please see the detailed introduction below for the specific main visa-free countries and visa-free stay time.
Argentina 90 days, Belgium 90 days, Brazil 90 days, Canada 6 months, Chile 90 days, Cyprus 3 months, Czech Republic 90 days, Denmark 90 days, Dominica 21 days, Dominica 30 days, Egypt 90 days, Finland 90 days, France 90 days, Germany 90 days, Greece 90 days, Grenada 90 days, Hungary 90 days, Iceland 90 days, Indonesia 30 days, Ireland 3 months, Israel 3 months, Italy 90 days, Japan 90 days, South Korea 90 days, Lithuania 90 days, Luxembourg 90 days, Malaysia 1 month, Netherlands 90 days, New Zealand 3 months, Philippines 14 days, Poland 90 days, Portugal 90 days, Russia 14 days, Singapore 30 days, Spain 90 days, St. Kitts 3 months, Sweden 90 days, Switzerland 90 days, Thailand 30 days, Turkey 3 months, UAE 30 days, UK 6 months, Vanuatu 4 months.