reconnais is an anagram of French reconna?tre
1. Recognize, identify:
reconna?tre un ami d'enfance Recognizing a Childhood Friend
J'ai reconnu sa voix. I recognized his voice.
Reconnaissance notes Recognizing a piece of music after the first few notes
Reconnaissance impossible twins
< p>Je reconnaiss bien là son sens de la responsabilité. I can see his sense of responsibility from here.Je vous reconnais bien là. I can tell it's your style from here. [Or referring to tone, handwriting, etc.]
reconna?tre qn (qch) à … recognize someone [something] from...: reconna?tre qn à sa voix recognize someone from the voice
2. Recognize, confirm:
reconna?tre un gouvernement to recognize a government
reconna?tre sa signature to recognize one's own signature
L'accusé a reconnu les faits. The defendant admitted these facts.
Je reconnais m'être trompé. I admit that I was wrong.
reconna?tre une aptitude à qn admit that someone has a certain talent
On a fini par reconna?tre son innocence. He was finally found innocent.
On reconnaissance qu'il a fait ce qu'il a pu. Everyone thinks he has done his best.
reconna?tre qn pour recognize someone as..., regard someone as...: reconna?tre qn pour chef regard someone as a leader
C'est le chef reconnu de l'insurrection. This is the recognized leader of the rebel army.
3. Recognize, realize:
reconna?tre peu à peu les difficultés d'un sujet Yan gradually realizes the difficulty of a question
reconna After the doctor's examination, everyone realized that surgery was necessary.
4. To explore clearly, to observe; to survey:
reconna?tre le terrain to observe the terrain
reconna?tre un nouveau poste d'écoule d l'ennemi Find out the situation of the enemy's new listening posts
5. [Rare] (someone has done something) to express gratitude