Common online electronic signature methods, such as taking photos, scanning or using graphic software to generate electronic signatures, can not guarantee the legal effect of electronic signatures, while third-party electronic signature systems will bring corresponding legal effect.
Feature 2. The third-party electronic signature system can bring convenience to the electronic signature management of enterprises. The electronic signature of the enterprise is stored in the third-party electronic signature system, which can realize the unified control of the right to use the electronic signature, and the entity seal is concentrated in the headquarters. No matter whether it is stamped by internal departments or stamped by branches in different places, illegal acts such as embezzlement and seal theft can be avoided.
Characteristic three. The third-party electronic signature system can bring security to the use of enterprise electronic signatures. Generally speaking, the third-party electronic signature system has multiple security technologies, which can ensure that every record of an enterprise's electronic signature is preserved, and information such as printing time, printing identity, seal type and printing contract content can be audited in real time, providing effective evidence for company managers to supervise the audit and prevent risks.
Because the electronic signature itself is not a "signature", but a digital technology. Therefore, when enterprises use electronic signatures, only the formal third-party electronic signature system can bring effective electronic signatures, and only after signing can they have legal effect.