The file and .p7s extended e-mail management scheme is used to send, receive or simply view encrypted digitally signed secure e-mail. Some mail management applications include Microsoft Outlook 20 10, mailbox and Mozilla Thunderbird. This means that these mail management programs support encryption in P7S format and decryption of e-mail. The file extension P7S also contains information about the e-mail and whether the e-mail has been edited or transmitted, which means that integrated P7S users who support these e-mail management applications can ensure that the e-mail they receive is legal, and the source code modified in the process comes from a trusted sender and has not been tampered with before they open and view the e-mail. If the user's email management software doesn't have the digital signature support of P7S or e-mail, the email encryption technology can be sent as an attachment, usually displayed as smime.p7s These email assemblies become public key encryption standard # 7 or PKCS # 7 technology to digitally encrypt and paste the signed email.