Will the judgment take effect if the defendant does not sign?
Wang spent 1000 yuan on medical expenses. The king asked me for compensation, but I didn't want to, so the king took me to court. Later, the court ruled against Wang. Wang refused to accept this judgment and refused to sign the receipt of the judgment. However, Wang did not appeal against the first-instance judgment. He thinks that without his signature, the judgment will not take effect and will continue to ask me for medical expenses. Will Wang's failure to sign affect the validity of the court's decision? Reader: Xiao Hu: The failure of the parties to sign does not affect the validity of the court decision. Article 77 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that the service of litigation documents must have a receipt, and the addressee shall record the date of receipt and sign or seal it. The date of receipt by the addressee on the service receipt shall be the date of service. But this does not mean that the effectiveness of the judgment depends on whether the addressee signs the service receipt. The failure of the parties to sign does not affect the effectiveness of the judgment.