1. video editing software: You can use some video editing software, such as AdobePremierePro and FinalCutPro, to compose a fireworks video with your logo, name and other elements. First, import the fireworks video into the software, then add your logo, name and other elements, and adjust their position, size and transparency, and finally export the synthesized video.
2. Online video production platform: If you don't want to download and install video editing software, you can also choose to use online video production platforms, such as Canva and Animoto, which provide rich video templates and materials to help you quickly produce professional fireworks video signatures. You just need to choose a suitable template, upload elements such as fireworks video, logo, name, etc., then typeset and edit, and finally export the video. The signature of online fireworks video generally refers to adding personal or team logo, name or slogan to fireworks video to show personality and brand characteristics.