I also sold shoes for more than a year, a pair of which cost 200 yuan to 300 yuan. Basically, these international brands Nike Adidas have made the word brand. In NIKE Adidas' view, shoes are professional top products with their own ideas and creativity. Simply put, they buy not only shoes, but also brands and ideas.
Therefore, they clearly marked the domestic Nike Adidas nearly four-digit RMB, but many people still bought it. Nike adidas, as an aristocrat in shoes, has a high cost. A pair of shoes, from the initial concept, creative design appearance, embedded technology, processing, advertising, factories, to specialty stores. Almost every link is very important and involves a lot of investment. Nike's technology has the famous zoom, and Adidas' representative technology has boost. Are very high-tech masterpieces! There are also their advertising investment, the overwhelming advertising wall in metropolis, celebrity endorsements and sponsorship of major events. As we all know, NBA stars speak for Nike Adidas, and Kobe James Durant Owen paul george is the best among the Nike speaking groups. They all have their own signature sneakers. Harden Ross is the leader of Adidas. These stars have a large number of fans. The recent rise of Andema is endorsed by Curry, which has achieved remarkable results, but the endorsement fee is also huge!
Therefore, Nike Adidas has a bottom line in the price tag, and there can be discounts and activities, and the discounts will not be too outrageous. Generally, it is about 10% discount, but once it is lower than the low price, even if no one buys it, it will not reduce the price.
I am a sophomore this year and have been selling shoes for more than a year. The shoes are made by Putian Company, and I wear them myself. To tell the truth, it's almost the same as that made by Nike Adidas. If it's almost the same, the difference is that the raw materials may not be as pure as those made by the designated factory of Nike Adidas, and there is no difference in others. The same shoe type, and the workers in Putian are all old workers who have worked in designated factories. The workmanship is no problem and the same quality can be guaranteed. If you are not an expert in shoe appraisal, you won't see it.
Due to huge profits, many Nike Adidas stores in the streets smashed Putian shoes, but almost 99% of customers were confused, so they sold Putian shoes at genuine prices to deceive consumers.
I have my own principles in business. A merchant is a friend's Putian goods, Putian price, but I guarantee the authentic quality, and I will return them if I am not satisfied.
Finally, attach some pictures of classic shoes with official price tags on them. I hope headline lovers will not be fooled. Money can be more, but people can't be stupid.
You can tell me in person if you have any questions.