How to prevent Android applications from being packaged twice?
6. Ensure the user experience and the functional integrity of the APP. 4, so as to prevent malicious insertion of advertisements 1, texts and other documents. Without effective protection, this is a kind of theft. You can effectively check whether the signature of the installation package has been changed, and set up a signature tool to sign the installation package yourself. APK prevents secondary packaging protection detection. Secondary packaging refers to the programmer decompressing the downloaded program. 3. Replace and steal, check whether the DEX file is protected, and prevent the APP application from being modified and packaged by a third party. Through the free detection platform, source code confusion protection detection can effectively prevent the emergence of secondary packaging. This project is mainly used to make up for the loopholes that program developers use chaotic source code to do programs. Various audio in the APP program. The free source code detection platform can effectively protect the components in the main configuration file of Android, and prevent others from inserting codes, videos and malicious code deduction into XML files: //www. 5, it will still cause considerable damage and is not rigorous. For example, the audio format or text content in the program, resource file protection detection and source code protection detection.