Sanxi: Being with Fang; Fang Jianming and Fang had a wonderful world of two people; Fang Fangcheng became the queen mother, and Fang unified Hanzhou, which is seven thousand miles away. Three sorrows: there are no trusted people around Tiran; Both Dixie and Dylan are dead; Gan Tang was deceived and committed suicide when he learned that he had killed Tiran. Three regrets: Fang Jianming didn't live an imaginary happy life with Fang Fang; Liu Zhe's eyes did not recover; The biggest regret of Fang's life is that.
Based on Xiao Ruse's novel of the same name, Mrs. Huzhu tells the story of the great emperor Xu and his strange daughter of the Zheng Dynasty who firmly guarded peace in the face of complicated power struggles.
Brief introduction of Mrs. Huzhu
Mrs. Huzhu is an oriental legendary romance costume drama directed by Kym and Yu Bo, starring Yang Mi and William Chan, and starring Xu Kaicheng, Chen Xiaoyun, Wilson and Yuan Yuxuan? . Under the oppression of heavy pearl tax, fishermen had to strangle their parents and children, making Jiao Ren shed tears in exchange for shark pearls. The city of Yahai, which almost died, experienced the tragedy of the death of its father and the massacre of its village.
On the occasion of life and death, she was rescued by Zhu Fang, a powerful minister passing by, and brought back to the apocalypse by Zhu Fang, who worshipped Zhu Fang as a teacher. She changed her name to Fang Cheng and showed herself in men's clothing, which made great contributions to safeguarding the peace of Da Zheng. Fangshi has always had feelings for Zhu Fang, but Zhu Fang could not respond to the guardian mission of the emperors Zheng Da and Xu Di. Then, in order to protect Shi Hai, Zhu Fang was forced to expose her female identity and sent her to Xu Di, which triggered a series of entanglements? .