When I returned to Wang Bingbing, I didn't sign my name. It is said that an UP owner once made songs for CCTV and got to know the staff. The staff knew that the other party liked Wang Bingbing, wanted to give him a surprise, and asked Wang Bingbing to sign it, but it was rejected. Forced, Wang Bingbing also gave paper photos. It is the staff who are to blame for borrowing other people's signatures, making good calculations and making profits for themselves.
1, Wang Bingbing has no signature. Judging from the news on the Internet, the whole process was known by a UP owner and staff who once sang songs for CCTV. Several staff knew that he liked Wang Bingbing, but they didn't know whether it was the boss's request or the staff wanted to be human, so they asked Wang Bingbing for his autograph.
Wang Bingbing explicitly refused at first, and responded that it was? Bottom line? However, the staff continued to persuade, so Wang Bingbing decided to take pictures. The staff took the opportunity to kick their noses and asked for paper photos.
From the whole process, Wang Bingbing belongs to a exploited person, but this worker makes people feel that he is a little thick-skinned.
2. Support Wang Bingbing Whether he is an amateur or a star, it is an individual right to sign or not. As a CCTV host, Wang Bingbing is very popular on the Internet, but he has a regular job, not a so-called online celebrity. Stick to your bottom line, this is respect for your work.
Controversial netizens think like robbers. I said I like others, but I want what they have. After being rejected, you deliberately discredited others. This behavior is not desirable. We should learn to respect everyone. We can't say each other is a star, so we have an obligation to sign for you.
Don't take everything as an obligation. Many people in life like to take others' contribution as an obligation. For example, between friends, A is often kind to B and helps him do many things. Over time, B will take this kind of goodwill as an obligation and think that this is what A should do. In fact, it's not just friends, lovers, stars and fans, family and so on. There are many people who have this idea.
Being friendly out of duty is not an obligation. Simply asking others for their efforts will eventually lose their help. Although the Wang Bingbing incident was not so serious, it was a microcosm.