Friend, if I say something unpleasant, you can measure it yourself. Yinte pure domestic drum set has the best quality and workmanship, which is equivalent to Jinbao. However, the most expensive set of Jinbao (with metronome, a bunch of drumsticks, sound pads and carpets) is more than 2,000 yuan ... 3,500 yuan can completely buy a low-end drum set of imported brands, but in fact, 3,000 yuan is enough. The quality and workmanship of drums are much better than those of Yinte. A set of imported low-end cymbals costs more than 4,000 yuan. But if you don't buy a musical instrument, Mr. Drum will find another way ... which may affect the teaching quality of teachers. Well, you can weigh it yourself.
These are low-end drum sets of imported brands, which are more than 1 times stronger than the low-end cymbals of imported brands.
This set is almost imported mid-range drums, 7000 drums and 2000 cymbals. . . Actually, it's just drying my drum a little. Hehe, my friend, if you compare it carefully, you will find the difference between domestic and imported, low-end and mid-end. Good luck.