Although the natural pity brooch is fast, it lacks crit and hit, so it can only be used if the crit and hit are high enough. Without this premise, natural pity can be abandoned.
Hellfire pendant is violent and suitable for all F series occupations. It's a nice necklace.
I prefer the transparent Moline necklace (BT 3 face falls off). Although this necklace is a typical anemic outfit, it is the best choice besides Yang Yan's necklace because of its measurements. After all, as an export profession of a legal system, what is most needed is not blood piling (except for some bosses who need to do T, such as F4, DD and Storm Prince, in fact, Storm Prince doesn't need SS T now, DD, if DPS is fast enough, just ignore the third stage and just need a shadow cage to enter the final stage).
Therefore, I suggest that the legal system should still use transparent Moline when exporting. If it is to restore SM, you can use natural pity. Speed is too important for SM. Other therapeutic professions, such as QS, value violence most. Both MS and nd have instant recovery skills and do not need high speed.