Who is the most popular in Twice?
Popular popularity will change with song activities, such as "Cheer Up", when SANA's popularity rises. Yes, Mo Mo's popularity soared in this activity. The number of individual fans varies from country to country. For example, the fastest selling order of Japanese goods is Zhou Chou Tzuyu, Sana 'a, Momo, Mina, Sun Caiying, Lin Nayan, and Yu. Park Ji-hyo, Zhou Chou Tzuyu signed a photo of the transaction on the website, and the price was about 6,000 RMB. The order of selling in South Korea is: Sana, Chou He Lin Nayan, they are almost the fastest; Mo Mo, Yu and Mina, they are almost Sun, Park Ji-hyo and. At the beginning of their debut, Lin Nayan had the largest number of personal fans, but they absorbed many new fans, and the company tried to average their popularity, so it was not easy to rank.