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How to use itext to generate superimposed signature on PDF
I have the complete code.

The method is like this, call directly.

The public static void symbol (string before Pdfpath, string after Pdfpath, pngpath string) throws an exception {

//KeyStore ks = KeyStore . getinstance(" pkcs 12 ");

//ks . load(new file inputstream(" demo . p 12 ")," 123456 "。 toCharArray()); // 123456 is the private key password.

//String alias =(String)ks . aliases()。 next element();

//privatekeykey = (privatekey) ks.getkey (alias, "123456"). toCharArray());

//certificate [] chain = ks.get certificate chain (alias);

Log.d("pdfd "," do- 1 ");

pdf reader reader = new pdf reader(before pdf path); //source file

Log.d("pdfd "," do- 1-0 1 ");

file output stream fout = new file output stream(afterpdf path);

Log.d("pdfd "," do- 1- 1 ");

PdfStamper STP = PdfStamper . create signature(reader,fout,' \ 0 ');

PdfSignatureAppearance sap = STP . getsignaturerenance();

//sap . set crypto(key,chain,null,PdfSignatureAppearance。 VERISIGN _ SIGNED);

Log.d("pdfd "," do-2 ");

sap . set reason(" ");

sap . set location(" ");

sap . set contact("/");

image image = image . getinstance(png path); //Use transparent pictures in png format.

Log.d("pdfd "," do-3 ");

sap . setsignaturegraphic(image);

sap . seta cro 6 layers(true);

sap . setrenderingmode(rendering mode。 Graphic);

Sap.setVisibleSignature (new rectangle (300,600,400,675), 1, null); //300 and 600 are the coordinates corresponding to the X axis and the Y axis.

stp.getWriter()。 setCompressionLevel(5);

Log.d("pdfd "," do-4 ");

If (stp! = null) {

Log.d("pdfd "," do-4- 1 ");

STP . close();

Log.d("pdfd "," do-4-2 ");


Log.d("pdfd "," do-5 ");

If (fout! = null) {

fout . close();


Log.d("pdfd "," do-6 ");

If (reader! = null) {

reader . close();


Log.d("pdfd "," do-7 ");
