Mo Qiqi’s real name is Li Zhuxiang
Basic information Nickname: Mo Qiqi (esther77)
Gender: Ms.
Location Region: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Hometown: Harbin, Heilongjiang
Personal signature: "Be a bright and beautiful woman as long as you live."
Characteristics: Very Beautiful and cute
Profile Interests and Hobbies
·Life motto: "A meeting will never make you fall in love, I will give everything I have to love without spending money on the country.』
·The happiest thing: drinking yogurt
·What pets have you raised: Cats
· The city you most want to settle in: Kunming
Dating information
·Whether you drink alcohol: never drink
·Whether you smoke: don’t smoke
·Normal attire: Casual
·Purpose of dating: friendship
·Who pays for the date: Of course the man
·Do you have a relationship history: Yes
·Annual income: Income is variable
·Blood type: O
·Education: University