we will rock you we will rock you singer: queen buddy you are a boy make a big noise playin in the street gonna be a big man someday you got mud on yoface you big disgrace kickin your can all over the place singin we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you are a young man hard man shoutin in the street gonna take on the world someday you got blood on yoface you big disgrace wavin your banner all over the place we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you are an old man poor man pleadin with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day you got mud on your face you big digrace somebody gonna put you back in your place we will we will rock you we will we will rock you. You are a yelling kid hanging around on the street, hoping to become a big shot one day. You are so embarrassed that you kick the tin can everywhere and sing... .... We're going to rock you We're going to rock you man, you're a young man, a tough guy screaming in the streets, gonna take over the world one day You've got blood on your face, disgrace, waving flags everywhere We're going to make you rock and roll... We're going to make you rock and roll, man, you're old and a pauper, begging for forgiveness with one eye, one day you'll be able to find peace, you're so miserable. It's best if someone drives you back to your hometown. We're going to make you rock and roll. We're going to make you rock and roll. Let's sing together. We're going to make you rock and roll. We're going to make you rock and roll. Awesome...