The probability of special items is 2:5. The probability of items of stealth quality and below is 1:5. The probability of StatTrak (Shuju, Dark Gold) is 1/10.
Ordinary quality boxes, Counter-Strike series boxes, eSports series boxes, "Valiant, Phoenix, Vanguard" Operation series boxes, as well as Operation Winter Trend and Revolver boxes all contain folding knives. Bayonets, and claw knives. There are also Symphony series and Gamma series boxes that also have these types of knives. Brothers who like these types of knives can buy the above series of boxes.
The boxes in Spectrum 1 and 2 contain hunting knives, butterfly knives, daggers, shadow daggers and scimitars. Many people like butterfly knives, which look very cool when cutting. It is more difficult to get gold out of the spectrum series boxes, but once they are found, the quality is very high. Brothers who like butterfly knives can buy this spectrum series box.
The Horizon, Number One Special Training, and Lingcai boxes contain folding knives, daggers, bear knives, and serrated claw knives. Brothers who like these knives can consider it.